Saturday, 11 September 2021 17:38

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies - Season 5 Reloaded Intel Guide

Written by Richard Warren
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s midseason update adds a lot more intel to collect in Outbreak, with the Armada region housing several items.

The midseason update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies adds even more intel to collect. Fortunately, it should be easy enough to track down. The PlayStation exclusive intel is limited to Drive-In, while everything else can be found inside the two most recent Outbreak regions.

With the latest intel setting up the Season 6 Survival map and the finale of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies, the items should definitely be worth collecting. As always, the items take a few different forms, and players will need to search Armada and Collateral thoroughly in order to collect everything.

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Requiem Intel

With the mystery of the Requiem director still ongoing, there should be plenty of interesting hints to uncover in the new batch of collectibles. Their locations are as follows.

  • Requiem Radio Transmissions: As always, players can only get one Transmission per game per faction. Each region has a transmission box, and Armada’s can be found in the Bridge control room of the large Northeast boat. It serves as one of the spawn points in the Combined Arms version of Armada.
  • Requiem Documents: Dropped from special zombies of any kind. They can also be found in golden chests, and a few will drop every game.
  • Requiem Audio Log 1 - Armada: On the Gun Boat that houses the Wunderfizz machine. It is behind a blue crate directly across from the machine.
  • Requiem Audio Log 2 - Armada: In the Control Room of the main boat. It is on a table as soon as players walk up the stairs from the Galley.
  • Requiem Audio Log 3 - Armada: At the Launch Bay on the side of the main boat. The log is between two ladders and under the number 3. The area can be seen from the front of the Gun Boat, with players able to swim over or use the Grappling Hook to reach it.
  • Requiem Audio Log 4 - Collateral: At the South Dunes near the edge of the map, players can find a large red bulldozer. The Audio Log rests on the side of it.
  • Requiem Audio Log 5 - Collateral: At the crumbled Wadi building to the Northwest of the map. Players pass through the rock arch to reach it.
  • Requiem Artifact 1 - Armada: On the large Southwest boat, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players can walk up the stairs on the left side. If they turn right as soon as they go through the door and look behind some debris, they will find a Helicopter Model.
  • Requiem Artifact 2 - Armada: To the West of the main boat is a Capsized boat. If players win below this boat, they will find a Toxic Growth Canister that can be picked up.
  • Requiem Artifact 3 - Armada: In the Hanger of the big Northeast boat. Right above some red tool boxes, players can see a Klaus figure on a support beam. They can climb on the tool box to pick it up.

Omega Intel

With the Omega group recovering from Valentina’s deception in the Mauer Der Toten main quest, players should find their infighting particularly interesting.

  • Omega Radio Transmissions: Like the Requiem boxes, players can only get one of these each game. While the other transmission boxes have been covered in past Zombies intel guides, Armada’s new box is in the Bridge control room on the big boat at the Southwest of the map. It is the other spawn boat for Combined Arms.
  • Omega Documents: Dropped from special enemies like Mimics and Manglers and golden chests. A few can be picked up each game.
  • Omega Audio Log 1 - Armada: In the Hangar of the Southwest boat, this log is found on a blue shelf at the back of the room.
  • Omega Audio Log 2 - Collateral: If players climb the building directly across from the Crater, they can find this log on the roof.
  • Omega Audio Log 3 - Collateral: At the part of the Cliffs players can zip up to, they can find a tree. Across from this tree is a body and a view of the homes below. To the right of the body is the well-hidden audio log.
  • Omega Artifact 1 - Armada: On the small Patrol Boat to the south of the main boat, players can find the ID badge for Carver. It is on the very top of the Patrol Boat.
  • Omega Artifact 2 - Armada: Players can find a model of the Teleporter from Firebase Z under the other Capsized boat. It is to the east of the main boat.

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Maxis Intel

The beloved protagonist Samantha Maxis is in a rough spot at the moment, as she is currently at odds with Requiem’s mysterious director. With the group’s leader pushing her, it might not be long before she snaps.

  • Maxis Radio Transmissions: The Maxis transmissions follow the same rule as the others. While a box can be found in each region, Armada’s is seen on the main boat. It is on a desk inside one of the spawns, with the area’s name changing to “Auxiliary Bridge” once players go inside.
  • Maxis Documents: Just like other documents, these are dropped by special zombies or golden chests in any region.
  • Maxis Audio Log 1 - Armada: On the Sinking Ship that houses Pack-A-Punch. It is right across from the machine on a bench.
  • Maxis Audio Log 2 - Collateral: Possibly the best hidden Audio Log in all of Outbreak, this item is found on the very top of the crane in the center of Collateral. If players zip up to the middle level, they can shoot down the audio log. It will then fall down to the middle platform next to them.

Dark Aether Intel

The Dark Aether intel remains interesting, as it tells the stories of people stuck in the alternate dimension. It also continues to set up the looming threat of The Forsaken, which could play a big role in the Dark Aether story’s future.

  • Dark Aether Transmission And Audio Logs: The trial machine will provide these intel items, and players can get up to three in a game. Intel trials will be specifically marked, so players know when to focus their attention on completing them.
  • Dark Aether Artifact 1 - Armada: On the top level of the Gun Boat, players can find this Tombstone can by the door on the right. It is on a console with a radar.
  • Dark Aether Artifact 2 - Armada: In the Machine Shop of the main ship, which serves as one of the two main spawns in 6v6 multiplayer. The Artifact is a Mule Kick can, and it can be found in a knocked over trash can on the right side of the room.

While there have been a few hundred intel pieces hidden throughout Outbreak, these additions could be some of the last it sees. With Season 6 bringing the final Survival map to players and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's support wrapping up soon, now is a great time to collect everything that is available inside of Outbreak.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 5 Reloaded Proves That Outbreak Is Here To Stay

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