Monday, 13 September 2021 08:30

Deathloop: Search The Fristad Shore Guide (Space Invader)

Written by Olexander Michael Ivan Korda
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Deathloop players can find how to complete the 'Search The Fristad Shore' objective in the 'Space Invader' Visionary Lead in this short guide.

In the "Space Invader" Visionary Lead, Deathloop players find out about the secret relationship between the Visionaries Charlie and Fia. Deathloop player's ultimate objective in this lead is to find the location where the two Visionaries spend time together and assassinate them simultaneously.

As players progress through the "Space Invader" lead, they will find out that Charlie and Fia have a secret location where they meet in Fristad Rock. Unfortunately, the only clues that players are given to the secret location is a photograph of the pair outside of their "lovers nest".

RELATED: Deathloop Review

Finding Charlie and Fia's Fristad Rock Hideout

In the photograph of Charlie and Fia, players are able to see that the hideout location is somewhere along the shore. Players will also notice a crashed plane in the photograph off in the distance.

From the starting location in Fristad Rock, follow the path to the right in order to reach the large junkyard area. Players should note that the junkyard is full of enemies patrolling the area. As a result, players will want to use Colt's abilities to avoid an all-out gunfight.

Players will notice the crashed plane off in the distance, frozen in the water. Head down to the shore and follow it towards the mountains in the area. There are several enemies patrolling above the shore, so players should make sure to use all available cover when making their way down.

Once players reach the end of the shore, they will find a secret path that goes around the rock formation. Follow this path to reach the location shown in the photograph. Players should be cautious when walking along the ice, as falling into the water will result in instant death.

Enter the bunker and proceed towards the large control panel to complete the objective. When players reach the control panel, they will find that they must enter a specific passcode in order to reach Charlie and Fia's location.

This passcode is obtained by completing the "Afternoon Delight" Visionary lead. In the lead, players will obtain the four pictures required to open the bunker from Fia's headquarters. After gaining access to the bunker, players will be able to flood the location, killing both Charlie and Fia simultaneously.

If players have not completed the "Afternoon Delight" Visionary lead prior to finding the location of the bunker, they will be unable to progress and must extract from the mission and return back at the same time in a new loop.

Deathloop is available for PS5 and PC.

MORE: Deathloop Review Roundup

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