Thursday, 16 September 2021 20:00

Deathloop: How To Solve The Super Shifty Puzzle In Karl's Bay Dawn Of Reason

Written by Russ Boswell
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Solving the Super Shifty puzzle in Karl's Bay can seem like a handful at first. Here's how to get it done easily!

There are a ton of puzzles to be found scattered throughout Deathloop. Players will often find themselves faced with challenges, locked doors, and complex riddles, amidst all the chaotic combat that the game offers. Some of these "tests" are a bit harder to complete than others, with some of them happening on a timer or during a particularly stressful event.

RELATED: Deathloop: Where To Find The Cat Fall Trinket (& What It Does)

One good example is the Super Shifty puzzle, which happens during the Evening, in Karl's Bay. Part of a larger puzzle that rewards players with a powerful weapon, the Super Shifty puzzle is a race against the clock to reach a wrapped present, before the room it's located in is blown to bits. The first time players come across this room will likely be a total accident and it can be downright difficult to solve the puzzle involved when they have no idea what to do, especially with a timer ticking down. Here's a look at how to complete the Super Shifty puzzle in time!

Where The Super Shifty Puzzle Is Located

Karl's Bay is an entirely different place at night, filled with Eternalist and Charlie's unique brand of "games." A lot of the buildings that were once closed are now open and there are some seriously devastating deathtraps waiting for Colt to accidentally fall into them. Although the Super Shifty puzzle isn't a "trap," it can force Colt to restart his entire Loop if he messes it up, since he'll only get one shot at it per attempt.

  • To start the Super Shifty puzzle, players need to make their way to the Dawn of Reason building.

The easiest way to reach this location is to head through the Tunnels at the start of the level by using the left-most door. Looking through the nearby "hole in the wall," players will then want to traverse through the alleyway, go onto the roof directly in front of them, and then drop down onto the ground on the other side. Turning left from there and walking down the pathway just a bit will put them in front of the Dawn of Reason building, which is shuttered and has an Activation Switch nearby.

  • Flipping this switch will activate the puzzle, allowing players to enter, but will also start a three-minute timer. Once this timer reaches zero, the present Colt needs to access will explode and be unobtainable.

How To Solve The Super Shifty Puzzle

As soon as players flip the switch and enter the Dawn of Reason, they'll need to "figure out the code" to access the locked door directly in front of them. Thankfully, the first part of the solution can be found directly to the right of the door itself. Up on the wall, there is a painted wheel that looks identical to the door lock. One of the fins on the wheel will be painted red. Next to the wheel are four hash marks. One of these will also be red. The red marking on the wheel corresponds to what number on the keypad must be pushed and the red hash corresponds to what number in the code it is. In the example picture below, the "rightmost number on the wheel" is the "third number in the code." So whatever the code is for this Loop, will be XX2X (the keypad looks like a clock and contains 0-7, moving clockwise from the top).

It is important to note that Deathloop randomizes its codes, meaning no two codes will be the same for anyone as each Loop will effectively randomize the numbers. Because of this, it is possible for the Super Shifty puzzle to change entirely should players fail it. The location of the rings themselves can also change, and there are a handful of locations around the inside of the Dawn of Reason they can appear. Once you spot one half of a ring, it's just a matter of positioning Colt so that it "lines up."

Once players have all four codes they can rush back to the door and enter them into the combination lock. The prize for the puzzle is a trinket, but players will be much more interested in the progress it gives them towards one of the larger puzzles found in Karl's Bay during the evening.

How To Solve The Super Shifty Puzzle Without Starting The Timer

The timer for the Super Shifty Puzzle will only start if the player pulls the lever out front of the Dawn of Reason building, but it is possible for the player to get into the building before the lever has been pulled. By going to the right side of the building and through an alleyway, players can jump onto a small wall and then leap to an open window in order to access the inside of the building.

This gives them a chance to run around and collect all of the numbers they'll need to unlock the door. Once the code is cracked, players can then slip back outside and pull the lever, activating the timer. The door itself and the applicable keypad will not activate until the lever has been pulled but this at least allows players to "solve the puzzle" without worrying about failing.

MORE: Deathloop Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help

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