Friday, 17 September 2021 18:58

Hilarious Overwatch Video Shows Two Sombras Camping Each Other's Translocators

Written by Richard Warren
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An Overwatch player shares an entertaining clip that shows two Sombras camping each other’s Translocator in order to pick up an easy kill.

Overwatch is full of interesting strategies, and the unique abilities wielded by Sombra allow for some interesting scenarios to play out. However, one Overwatch match created a hilarious moment when two Sombra players made use of the same strategy.

One of Sombra’s most recognizable abilities is her Translocator. The device essentially functions as a single-use Teleporter, with Sombra able to return to the where she set it down instantly. Most Sombra fans use this as a sort of “get out of jail free” card, activating their Translocator when a fight is lost and they are low on health. They can then teleport away before they die, healing up and re-joining the fight or regrouping with their team.

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However, one key downside with Sombra’s Translocator is that the enemy team can see it. This means that a hero can camp by the Translocator, waiting for Sombra to return to the position where she set it down in order to get a sneaky kill. Nobody is more likely to do this than a fellow Sombra, as they know how often this ability is used. Reddit user ProperMonk showed this process taking place, though it was not just one Sombra that was camping by a Translocator.

In the hilarious Overwatch video, two different Sombras can be seen camping a pair of Translocators. Taking place on the map Route 66, a side-by-side view shows two Sombra’s waiting patiently by an enemy Translocator. While they are obviously waiting to hack and kill the opposing Sombra as soon as they teleport, they have no idea that their enemy is doing the exact same thing. Seeing the two Sombra players wasting their time is extremely funny, and it shows just how common it is for players to camp by a Sombra Translocator.

Eventually, both of the Sombra’s are attacked, and one of them uses a Translocator. The other Sombra is killed by another player as soon as this happens, though, so viewers never actually get to see one of the Sombras picking up the kill that they had been waiting so long for. Regardless, the clip is extremely fun to watch, as it sees both Sombra’s taking themselves out of the fight and essentially making their Overwatch match a 5v5. While this likely frustrated both teams, as it put them down a player that could have given them an advantage in a larger team fight, the video of the camping Sombras has provided several laughs to those on the Overwatch subreddit.

Thus far, the clip has brought in 2,000 upvotes and several funny comments, proving just how entertaining this video is to the Overwatch community. While both Sombras had the same idea, it is clear that they could have contributed a lot more to their team by doing anything else.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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