Saturday, 18 September 2021 04:37

Madden NFL 22 Loss Glitch Explained

Written by Oliver VanDervoort
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Several Madden NFL 22 players have talked about its improvements over previous versions, but there's one big glitch that has caused problems.

Madden NFL 22 has been on the market for about a month. While Electronic Arts talked a big game about working to make this entry in the long-running Madden NFL franchise better than its immediate predecessor, it's not clear if the company really followed through on that promise. Certainly there have been improvements, perhaps because the developers are more comfortable making a game that plays better on the Xbox Series X/S and PS5, but one big problem surfaced in Madden NFL 22 not long after its launch with something called the "loss glitch."

There is plenty to like about Madden NFL 22. Some of what makes the game feel like an improvement over Madden NFL 21 are features that have been added to the franchise mode. That includes a revamped coaching staff that impacts the team, and the way players get fatigued over the course of the season. No matter how much better the franchise mode is in this year's version of the game, the "loss glitch" can leave a bad taste in a player's mouth, especially if it occurs deep into a season. Luckily, it may not be an issue any longer.

RELATED: Madden NFL 22 Reveals Franchise Mode Improvements Coming With the New Game

Madden NFL 22 Loss Glitch Blows Up A Franchise

The Madden NFL 22 loss glitch is exactly what it sounds like. Several players have reported the glitch hits after they've completed a game. Once the game ends, even if the player happened to win, the glitch will make it look like they lost. More than that, the glitch wipes out all of the player's statistics in a game.

A glitch that wipes out a win in the Madden NFL 22 franchise and makes it a "loss" then carries over into the actual franchise, so even if a user's team might be getting off to a good start to the season they can get saddled with a defeat. This can be especially frustrating when someone is deep into their franchise, and the loss might make the difference between hitting the postseason or not. There's also the fact that a team might have racked up some serious stats for their digitized players, only to see them get absolutely nothing at the end.

The loss glitch appears to mostly affect offline dynasties. For the most part, the people who have reported the issue have not been playing the online version of the Madden NFL 22's franchise mode. That's a small consolation for those who are only playing the cloud version of the game. It makes a bit of sense to be playing the cloud version of franchise anyway, as that allows them to use the most up-to-date roster when a player is kicking off a new run. Considering the number of glitches that occur when it came to EA Sports games, it's not crazy to decide to stay away from a situation where someone may not be able to boot up their franchise.

Madden NFL 22 Loss Glitch Solved?

The good news is that EA acted relatively quickly to the loss glitch. Not long after people started reporting the issue with the Madden NFL 22 franchise mode, the developer released a patch. For now, it appears that the patch did away with the loss glitch and a host of other bugs and issues that came with the launch version of the game. The question is whether something worse could pop up in its place, or whether EA is more on top of that sort of thing than it has been in the past.

Madden NFL 22 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Will Madden NFL 22 Be Worth It?

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