Monday, 20 September 2021 12:31

Deathloop: Character Trinket Tier List

Written by Andrew Robert Johns
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Character trinkets define the gameplay experience in Deathloop. With four slots, there are some great value choices and others that miss the mark.

Character trinkets are an underrated way to become completely overpowered in Deathloop. Players who have ever shot up an enemy Julianna or Colt and wonder why they don't seem to die or marveled at how nimbly the opposition hops along the rooftops should re-evaluate their own character trinkets.

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These slots are precious and there is certainly some room for differences in opinion. Different builds will have different priorities, after all. But there are some character trinkets that consistently find their way into the inventories of players that come out on top and others reserved for players who constantly lose in Deathloop's vicious cycle.


  • Golden Harvest: All sources yield more residuum.
  • Juiced Up: Maximum power increased.
  • Renewable: Faster power regeneration.
  • Spring Heeled: Grants a double-jump.
  • Turtle Shell: Reduces all damage taken.

Golden Harvest should be equipped until players have every item in the game that they need to infuse. It can be an extra ten or so items per day, which means it makes the game that much quicker to beat. Forgetting to use it is one of the common mistakes players make in the game, but it is an entirely avoidable one.


  • Creeping Death: Make almost no sound when moving.
  • Double Trouble: Better accuracy while dual-wielding.
  • Never Say Die: Maximum health increased.
  • Pistolero: Increased damage while dual-wielding.
  • Silver Lining: Bullets that land refund ammunition.

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For those who are dual-wielding Limp-10s, there are a couple of selections here that become S-tier. These can help against an opposing Julianna, which is one of the most important aspects of the game. Ammunition is generally available during each stage, but refunding it during combat can make an ammo-eating weapon worthwhile.


  • Comeback Kid: Regenerate more total health.
  • Last Stand: Increased damage while health is low.
  • Sprinter: Move faster while sprinting.
  • Steel Lungs: Gas exposure heals instead of harms.
  • Swift Sitch: Increases health regeneration rate.

These character trinkets are fantastic placeholders, beneficial in almost all situations, and will carry Colt until he gets access to higher-tier trinkets. Beginners can always use a tip or two and these trinkets will make sure they live long enough to heed this advice. The one exception to this is the Steel Lungs trinket, which is only situationally useful, but when gas is on the map, it actually heals Colt to full and completely negates the puzzles that try to use gas as a roadblock.


  • Deep Pockets: Carry more ammunition.
  • Hard Headed: Reduced damage from headshots.
  • Mechanical Affinity: Nearby friendly turrets are stronger and tougher.
  • Personal Touch: Speeds up Melee assassinations.
  • Stab N Grab: Melee kills provide extra ammunition.
  • Stone Wall: Receive and deal less damage.

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It's not that any of these character trinkets are downright awful, but they are very easy to find upgrades for. Turrets are already very strong, but strengthening them up can make it fun to clear the map with the enemy's own inventions. Stone Wall's damage reduction is nice, but at the cost of reducing player damage, it makes NPCs take way more bullets than they should take.


  • Backstabber: Increased damage when attacking from behind.
  • Cat Fall: Reduced falling damage.
  • Master Hacker: Hacking is faster.
  • Remote Overload: Hacks can detonate devices.
  • Scavenger's Luck: Loot more ammunition.
  • Slow Fuse: Enemy explosives take longer to detonate.

These trinkets are mostly meaningless, but avoid the bottom tier by not being a detriment to the player. The Cat Fall trinket is hard to find and doesn't really help unless players are planning on falling frequently with Colt; which is an odd build. There are benefits to hacking faster, but most players that rely on hacking do so from afar, not in the middle of combat.


  • Bloodthirsty Brawler: Recover health when dealing melee damage.
  • Party Time: Take less damage when enemies are nearby.
  • Plasma Power: Power draws from health when power is depleted.
  • Slick Slide: Slide a greater distance.
  • Unstoppable Force: Running into enemies deals damage.

These trinkets either prove to be a net negative or encourage players to perform generally foolish activities. Many create incentives to battle openly in close quarters; not a smart move generally and using these trinkets still makes it a bad idea, just a less painful one. Sliding prevents players from using their next move and the current slide is already plenty long. And Plasma Power drawing from health? That's just begging for players to accidentally kill themselves.

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