Tuesday, 21 September 2021 12:30

Pokemon: Everything You Need To Know About Paralysis (Status Condition)

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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Whether by electrical shock or stunning powder, getting paralyzed in battle is always bad news for those afflicted by this status condition.

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As a status condition that has been around since Generation 1 of the main series of Pokemon games, Paralysis has been a great tool in the belt of many battle tacticians. Often appearing as a secondary effect on mostly Electric-type moves, this status condition can be of great use when trying to lockdown a tricky foe in any main series game from Pokemon Red & Blue to Pokemon Sword & Shield, despite slightly changing in effects over the years.

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In terms of said effects, Paralysis in Generation 8 titles, such as Pokemon Sword & Shield, reduces an afflicted pokemon's Speed stat by 50% as well as makes it so that there is a 25% chance that they won't be able to move on their turn. As such, trainers can give themselves a great advantage by afflicting foes with this status condition, though, it is important to note that this strategy won't work on all opponents.

Paralysis Through The Generations

Paralysis In Generation 1

At the start of the franchise, Paralysis makes it so that an afflicted pokemon has a 25% chance to be unable to move during its turn. However, as opposed to its modern effects, in Generation 1, Paralysis reduced an afflicted pokemon's Speed stat by 75%.

Paralysis In Generation 2

With the inclusion of the Normal-type status move, Baton Pass, some interesting things were noticed about Paralysis and the Speed debuff it causes. If a paralyzed pokemon uses Baton Pass, the pokemon that replaces it will not have its Speed stat affected, as it should be since that new pokemon is not paralyzed. However, if there are any changes to their Speed stat (like using Agility or another buff), the Paralysis effects that were affecting their predecessor will be calculated onto the new pokemon.

Paralysis In Generation 3, 4, & 5

The Baton Pass issue was addressed in Generation 3, however, there were no additional technical changes to how Paralysis worked in the Generation 3, 4, and 5 games. The only changes were to the actual animation of the effect that occurs when a pokemon is unable to move due to the 25% chance of immobility naturally caused by this status condition.

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Paralysis In Generation 6

Electric-type pokemon are now immune to being paralyzed, regardless of the move used on them that would usually inflict the status condition.

Paralysis In Generation 7

The Speed stat of a pokemon afflicted by Paralysis is reduced by 50% as opposed to 75% like how it was in every previous generation of the main series games, meaning that paralyzed pokemon will now have their Speed reduced to half its base value as opposed to reduced to a quarter of it.

Paralysis In Generation 8

Paralysis currently remains the same as it appeared in the Generation 7 games.

All Of The Causes Of Paralysis

Moves That Can Cause Paralysis In The Main Series Pokemon Games

Move Name Probability Of Causing Paralysis Description
Buzzy Buzz 100% A Signature Move of Eevee
Fling 100% The user needs to be holding the Light Ball item
G-Max Volt Crash 100% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Pikachu
Glare 100% A regular status move
Nuzzle 100% A damage-dealing physical move
Psycho Shift 100% Only works if the user is paralyzed
Stoked Sparksurfer 100% Exclusive Z-Move of Alolan Raichu
Stun Spore 100% Pokemon with the Overcoat ability, holding Safety Goggles, and all Grass-types are immune to this move
Thunder Wave 100% A regular status move
Zap Cannon 100% A damage-dealing special move
G-Max Stun Shock 50% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Toxtricity
G-Max Befuddle 33.3% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Butterfree
Body Slam 30% A damage-dealing physical move
Bounce 30% A damage-dealing physical move
Discharge 30% A damage-dealing special move
Dragon Breath 30% A damage-dealing special move
Force Palm 30% A damage-dealing physical move
Freeze Shock 30% A damage-dealing physical move
Lick 30% A damage-dealing physical move
Secret Power 30% Only has a chance to paralyze targets if Electric Terrain is active or if there are no modifiers for terrain currently active
Spark 30% A damage-dealing physical move
Splishy Splash 30% A Signature Move of Pikachu
Thunder 30% A damage-dealing special move
Bolt Strike 20% A damage-dealing physical move
Thunder Fang 10% A damage-dealing physical move
Thunder Punch 10% A damage-dealing physical move
Thunderbolt 10% A damage-dealing special move
Thunder Shock 10% A damage-dealing special move
Volt Tackle 10% A damage-dealing physical move
Tri Attack 6.67% A damage-dealing special move

Abilities That Can Cause Paralysis In The Main Series Pokemon Games

There are 3 abilities that can potentially cause an opponent to become paralyzed. The first is Static, which has a 30% chance to make opponents who use a contact move against the player paralyzed. This ability is only found on some Electric-type pokemon.

The next ability that can cause Paralysis is Effect Spore, which is exclusive to a few Grass-type pokemon. Those who make contact with a pokemon possessing this ability have a 10% chance of becoming paralyzed.

Finally, and most situationally, is the ability Synchronize, which is only ever found on a few Psychic-type pokemon. If a pokemon with this ability becomes paralyzed, its foe will also become afflicted with the same status condition.

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