Tuesday, 21 September 2021 13:53

Psychonauts 2 Players Come Across Bizarre Hidden Room

Written by Derek Nichols
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One Psychonauts 2 player stumbles into a strange room at the end of a cutscene, seemingly stuck in this void with no way of escape.

It's been a long road for the recently released Psychonauts 2 following its original announcement back in 2015. While that was the 10 year anniversary of the original and fan favorite title's launch, Psychonauts 2 would go on to experience a long and winding development road, appearing first on the crowdfunding platform Fig and raised just short of 4 million dollars. Following multiple investment rounds, Psychonauts would go on to experience a slower than expected development cycle.

However, the biggest shake up came in 2019 when Microsoft announced it had acquired developer Double Fine Productions, which actually was a boon for Psychonauts 2 which was coming up against a financial crunch and may have resulted in boss fights being cut. With Microsoft now acting as publisher, Double Fine was not only given financial security, but more time to create the game they envisioned. In the end, Psychonauts 2 launched to much adulation and of course, Double Fine made sure to include plenty of secrets, reference, and hidden things for fans to find.

RELATED: Psychonauts 2 Player Finds A Way To Make The Game Even Better

Over on the Psychonauts 2 subReddit, one user seems to have stumbled across a secret room that many assume to be some sort of developer room. As seen in the video, the player appears in a completely black space, standing on a floating platform with the phrase, "You've been teleported to the world origin. Report this!" Across the way are two additional floating platforms, one containing the character Lili Zanotto with the words "Persisten Lili" and the other with just the floating words Persistent Cup Cart.

The player eventually attempts to jump to the other platforms and ultimately ends up falling into the void. While the familiar Raz yell can be heard as well as the arms flailing animation, the character appears to be stuck falling into the endless black.

While others in the comments section recall either seeing this or experiencing it themselves, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on what it is. Some assume it's a humorous Easter egg and should be Tweeted to Double Fine Studios founder Tim Schafer, while others assume the "Report this!" phrase is a clue that QA was supposed to let developers know about this space and was never intended to make it inside of the final build.

Whatever the case may be, developer rooms are nothing new to the industry and some games even take things a step further. Speedrunners for DOOM Eternal accidentally found a secret room inside of the Mars Core level, giving developers access to teleporters for every part of the level, and making reaching the ending a breeze.

Psychonauts 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

MORE: 10 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In Psychonauts 2

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