Sunday, 26 September 2021 03:30

Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The Poison Nova Necromancer

Written by Andrew Robert Johns
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Nobody can command poison like the Necromancer can in Diablo 2: Resurrected. This is how to turn the cute trick from a gimmick into a deadly build.

Poison isn't like every other source of magic in Diablo 2: Resurrected. Yes, it counts as magic and does damage, but that's where the similarities end. Poison does damage over time and prevents monsters from being able to heal themselves. This makes it a prime candidate for whittling down elites and bosses.

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Unfortunately, selecting all of the poison skills and hoping for the best isn't a winning proposition. This build requires a great deal of foresight and a savvy set of equipment that can boost poison's unique attributes. Doing so makes the Necromancer one of Diablo 2: Resurrected's greatest classes.


Bone Armor 3
Teeth 1
Corpse Explosion 1
Poison Dagger 20
Poison Explosion 20
Poison Nova 20
Amplify Damage 1
Weaken 1
Terror 1
Iron Maiden 1
Life Tap 1
Decrepify 20
Lower Resist 20

Most Poison Nova Necromancer builds give up on using Poison Nova and switch to using Corpse Explosion later in the game for damage. They do this because of monsters that resist or are immune to poison. However, Necromancers have one of the best endgame skills for any class in the game with Lower Resist, which, at level 30, breaks immunity. Only 20 levels can get applied traditionally, but with equipment and charms, this build hits 30 and then some.


Strength 156
Dexterity Enough to hit 75% Block chance
Vitality All the rest
Energy Nothing

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Between the equipment and potions, energy is a meaningless attribute for the Poison Nova Necromancer. Remember that, unlike other casters, poison should be cast on top of itself. A strength of 156 allows the Necromancer to equip the Monarch shield, required for the Spirit Runeword. Because the Poison Nova must be cast in the middle of groups for maximum effect, adding enough dexterity to get maximum block is smart. After that, it's all about survivability, so give vitality everything else.


Weapon Heart of the Oak
Offhand Spirit
Head Harlequin Crest
Body Enigma
Hands Trang-Oul's Claws
Feet Sandstorm Trek
Waist Arachnid Mesh
Neck Mara's Kaleidoscope
Finger 1 The Stone of Jordan
Finger 2 Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
Unique Charms Gheed's Fortune, Hellfire Torch, Annihilus
Grand Charms Fungal/Hexing Grand Charms of Balance
Small Charms Stalwart/Shimmering Small Charms of Balance

RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected - Low-Level Runewords Guide

There is a good reason that many of the best Runewords in the game are listed here. Getting that Lower Resist to 30 is imperative to this build; without it, Poison Nova will be unable to damage enemies with immunities. For that reason, many of these items increase skills. That's the best thing to do for most builds, but especially so for this one.

Additionally, please note that Poison Nova gets benefits from Poison Dagger and Poison Explosion, so stacking anything that adds to all skills will be much better than just the flat increase depicted.


Mercenary Act 2 Defensive Desert Mercenary
Weapon Reaper's Toll
Head Andariel's Visage
Body Fortitude

Getting the most out of a mercenary is more important to this build than most. The Poison Nova Necromancer will be doing all the poison damage while the Desert Mercenary will be in charge of physical damage. The Defensive Aura stacks with Decrepify, which slows enemies so much that they might as well be stopped. This makes for easy poisoning and the mercenary won't have to run around to deal damage.

Diablo 2: Resurrected was released on September 23rd, 2021, and is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Play With Friends

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