Sunday, 26 September 2021 19:59

Mass Effect Mod Turns Reapers Into Among Us Imposters

Written by Nicola Jean Kapron
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One Mass Effect fan creates a Mass Effect 3 mod that transforms the terrifying Reapers into adorable Among Us Imposters.

The recent release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has brought the entire Mass Effect Trilogy to fans in one bundle, but some fans appear to still be creating mods for a single game of the three. One Mass Effect 3 fan has pieced together a striking mod that transforms the game's primary villains, the towering alien Reapers, into the adorable and iconic Imposters from Among Us.

Created by YouTuber Mentlegen’s Meme Emporium, the mod changes all Sovereign-class Reapers into Imposters, creating a surreal atmosphere. This Mass Effect 3 mod can be found on Nexus under the title "Among Us Reapers," but the creator also put together a six-minute-long video showcasing footage from the mod that may have to be seen to be believed.

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The video, which gets quite loud about 10 seconds in, begins by inserting Among Us memes and reactions into a Mass Effect 3 cutscene showing Reapers crashing one of Shepard's meetings. The result is a bizarre tonal whiplash between the dead serious Mass Effect characters and the increasingly bizarre tone of Among Us. Even the arrival of a massive red Imposter dropping from the sky is treated as a very real threat by the Mass Effect cast, although fans may find it more hilarious than ominous. If the rest of the video is anything to go by, Mentlegen’s Meme Emporium appears to agree.

The rest of the video appears to be parodying the infamous anime Neon Genesis Evangelion with the use of the song "Komm, süsser Tod," which plays over scenes of Shepard fighting the giant Imposters on foot. Unfortunately for Imposter fans, while the giant versions may be genuinely intimidating as they tower over Shepard, they do not appear to use any of Among Us' iconic kill animations. Instead, they simply use giant lasers like the original Reapers. It does not appear that this mod has impacted any of the decisions required for Mass Effect 3's best ending.

It appears that fans of both games are reluctantly impressed by Mentlegen’s Meme Emporium's dedication to the joke. Not only is the video description just a copypasta rambling about how Among Us is ruining the writer's life, but the video also ends by having Shepard apparently wake up in the iconic opening of Skyrim. Although clearly a joke mod based on Among Us memes, this new Mass Effect mod has received quite a bit of praise in the comments, including from one user who stated that it reflects how Among Us memes have ravaged the internet.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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