Throughout all their adventures in Red Dead Redemption 2, gamers will come across tons of tough enemies that will give them a decent challenge. Aside from the bosses in the game, some other surprising Red Dead Redemption 2 NPCs will also give Arthur Morgan a run for his money.
A little-known fact about the game is that there are four different characters who have the ability to kill Arthur Morgan in one hit. As posted on Reddit by user "NE1LUS," The Sheriff in the town of Tumbleweed, Sam Freeman, happens to be one of those people.
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Freeman is only a minor character who appears in various instances in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. His character is thought to be inspired by Bass Reeves, one of the first African American U.S. deputies in the Western United States. While it is unclear why this decision was made, he wields both a Cattleman Revolver and Double-barreled Shotgun, so players should avoid messing with him at all costs.
Random rdr2 trivia: Sheriff Freeman of Tumbleweed is one of only 4 characters who can kill the player character in a single shot. from reddeadredemption
Sam Freeman assigns players bounty hunting missions in Red Dead Redemption 2 to track down Joaquin Arroyo and Esteban Cortez, who are members of the Del Lobo Gang. Outside of this, gamers can either find Freeman in his office or giving speeches about law and order in the center of the Tumbleweed settlement. If players want to test this fact, just know that both his pistol and shotgun will one-shot kill Morgan no matter what his health is. And even if gamers manage to knock the revolver out of his hand, he will still pull out another one.
The three other characters that are able to kill players in one hit include the Vampire, the Hermit, and Night Folk members. The Night Folk in Red Dead Redemption being part of the "A Fine Night For it" mission line. The Hermit is located in Manito Glade, brandishing a rare shotgun. And the Vampire can be found in Saint Denis, armed with the Ornate Dagger.
Freeman can be seen as a character with an impressive amount of depth by the members of his community. He is adored by the townsfolk for protecting them and not placing himself on a pedestal over them. At the same time, he can be seen as cold and cruel towards criminals, even killing a Del Lobo member without a fair trial. Perhaps this duality in this character is what made Rockstar Games decide to give him this godly power, adding to the long list of other fun facts about the game.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.