Friday, 01 October 2021 00:18

Niantic Requires Job Applicants To Be Go Battle League Rank 7 or Higher To Work On Pokemon GO

Written by James Zinn
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Across many job application websites, the developers of Pokemon GO, Niantic, have been requiring being highly ranked in Pokemon GO for some positions.

The developer of Pokemon GO, Niantic, has added a qualification to many of its job applications many other companies tend to stray away from. Pokemon GO has become quite popular, and while some companies encourage applicants of artistic positions to have played their game, positions of high level design it is an unexpected requirement for.

Pokemon GO has long been special in that it is played by traveling around in the real world. After the game released, Pokemon GO debuted PVP battles that allow for a competitive scene among friends and online rivals. Since then, a ranked mode has also been released, and with COVID keeping many players indoors, the online battle functionality has become a bigger part of the game.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: 15 Strongest Pokemon In Great League PVP

Most gaming companies do not require applicants to have played their games, and is most of the time only an added bonus to get hired. Niantic, though, has chosen otherwise, as it has hilariously added the requirement of earning the Pikachu Libre avatar items from GO Battle League. With many intricate systems of the game being difficult to understand, such as Pokemon GO damage calculations, Niantic may be looking for more dedicated fans who have already invested time in earning ranked rewards.

To earn the Pikachu Libre avatar items, a player usually had to obtain at least a Pokemon GO battle rank of 7 by the end of the ranked season. This requirement has since been lowered to rank 5, but the request of applicants to display their rank in the game is definitely unexpected. With many different ways to play ranked such as the newest Pokemon GO Elemental Cup mode, applicants shouldn't find it too difficult to obtain the Pikachu Libre items prior to an interview. Ironically though, hitting the extremely high rank of Ace in the Battle League will further add to an applicant's chance of being hired.

As the future of gaming continues to expand, gaming companies may routinely begin requiring an applicant to have played their game, or even obtained a rank prior to acceptance in the company. Fortunately for applicants to Niantic, many Promo-codes for free stuff in Pokemon GO are regularly given out to the public and can quickly get a trainer up to speed.

Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO's Fashion Week Event Highlights a Flaw in Character Customization

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