Friday, 01 October 2021 02:22

Pokemon GO: How to Beat Cliff (October 2021)

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Pokemon GO players with a Rocket Radar may find themselves going up against one of Team GO Rocket's leaders: Cliff- here's how to defeat him.

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October has a lot to offer for players this year in Pokemon GO. Even with the various events and field research tasks available, players are still able to fight the various members and leaders of Team GO Rocket.

Compared to September, Cliff of Team GO Rocket has an unchanged team of Pokemon, making it familiar for most Pokemon GO players. This doesn't mean that the battle with him will be easy, with many of his Pokemon being hard hitters that require the right counter in order to take them all down.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: How to Beat Giovanni (October 2021)

When fighting Cliff, it's important to know that while his first Pokemon will always be the same, the same can't be said for his second and third Pokemon. These Pokemon have the possibility between being three different Pokemon each every time Cliff is encountered. The only way to know what Cliff will use for sure is by battling him, see what he has, lose to him, then battle him again within the same encounter.

Cliff's First Pokemon - Seedot

Cliff's first Pokemon will always be Seedot. This Pokemon is a pure Grass-type, making it weak to Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice-type moves. It additionally resists damage from Ground, Water, Grass, and Electric-type moves.

While Seedot is Cliff's weakest Pokemon, some players may prefer just dealing with this Pokemon quickly. In this case, the best counters for Seedot are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Galarian Darmanitan Ice Fang Avalanche
Reshiram Fire Fang Overheat
Chandelure Fire Spin Overheat
Darmanitan Fire Fang Overheat
Moltres Fire Spin Sky Attack

Cliff's Second Pokemon - Hariyama, Poliwrath, or Kingler

Moving on to Cliff's second party member, it has the chance to be either Hariyama, Poliwrath, or Kingler. Hariyama is a pure Fighting-type Pokemon, making it weak to Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type moves. For resistances, Hariyama is strong against Rock, Bug, and Dark-type moves. With this in mind, the best counters to use against it are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Mewtwo Confusion Psystrike
Attack Form Deoxys Zen Headbutt Psycho Boost
Alakazam Confusion Psychic
Zacian Quick Attack Play Rough
Espeon Confusion Psychic

For Poliwrath, this Pokemon is a dual Water and Fighting-type that is weak to Flying, Grass, Electric, Psychic, and Fairy-type moves. It also benefits from resisting Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, and Dark-type moves. If Cliff sends out Poliwrath, the best Pokemon to use in response are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Attack Form Deoxys Zen Headbutt Zap Cannon
Mewtwo Confusion Psystrike
Therian Thundurus Thunder Shock Thunderbolt
Zacian Quick Attack Play Rough
Alakazam Confusion Psychic

Finishing this section is Cliff's Kingler. It is a pure Water-type Pokemon giving it weaknesses against Grass and Electric-type moves. Defensively it resists Steel, Fire, Water, and Ice-type moves. The best counters to use against this Pokemon are:

Pokemon Charge Move Fast Move
Therian Thundurus Thunder Shock Thunderbolt
Zekrom Charge Beam Wild Charge
Attack Form Deoxys Zen Headbutt Zap Cannon
Zacian Snarl Wild Charge
Zarude Vine Whip Power Whip

Cliff's Final Pokemon - Torterra, Sharpedo, or Tyranitar

The last of the Pokemon Cliff can use in his battle are his Torterra, Sharpedo, or Tyranitar. His Torterra is a dual Grass and Ground-type Pokemon that is vulnerable to Ice, Flying, Bug, and Fire-type moves. It also resists damage from Ground, Rock, and Electric-type moves. For this possible final Pokemon, players are recommended to use:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Galarian Darmanitan Ice Fang Avalanche
Mamoswine Powder Snow Avalanche
Weavile Ice Shard Avalanche
Glaceon Frost Breath Avalanche
Jynx Frost Breath Avalanche

For Cliff's Sharpedo, this Pokemon is a dual Water and Dark-type, so it is vulnerable to Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, and Fairy-type moves. It also resists damage from Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark, and Psychic-type moves. Because of this, the best counters against it are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Lucario Counter Aura Sphere
Therian Thundurus Thunder Shock Thunderbolt
Zacian Quick Attack Play Rough
Zekrom Charge Beam Wild Charge
Conkeldurr Counter Dynamic Punch

Finally, Tyranitar is a dual Rock and Dark-type Pokemon with a lot of weaknesses and resistances. It is weak to Fighting, Ground, Bug, Steel, Water, Grass, and Fairy-type moves while resisting Normal, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, Dark, and Psychic-type moves. The best counters are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Lucario Counter Aura Sphere
Conkeldurr Counter Dynamic Punch
Breloom Counter Dynamic Punch
Machamp Counter Dynamic Punch
Sirfetch'd Counter Close Combat

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Promo Codes for Free Stuff (October 2021)

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