Friday, 01 October 2021 02:06

Lost Judgment: When and How to Change Fighting Style

Written by Thomas Bowen
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Like its predecessor, Lost Judgment allows players to switch between three unique fighting styles. This guide explains how and when to use them.

Though the most recent Yakuza game may have switched to a more traditional turn-based system, Lost Judgment maintains both the look and feel of the series’ earlier entries when it comes to fighting. Combos and EX actions come together to create a combat system that boasts a surprising amount of fluidity and cinematic flair. Much like the game’s narrative, it’s incredibly deep and becomes more and more rewarding as time goes on.

RELATED: Lost Judgment: How Long to Beat

One of the things that made the first Judgment game so enjoyable was the ability to switch between fighting styles on the fly. Players were able to choose between either Crane or Tiger Style martial arts depending on their needs, which, as well as providing some much-needed variety, allowed players to approach certain encounters in different ways. Lost Judgment takes this approach one step further, adding in a brand new fighting style as well as some additional skills for players to unlock. Knowing how and when to use each style remains incredibly important though, particularly when playing at higher difficulty levels or working through the game’s final few chapters.

How to Change Fighting Style in Lost Judgment

Just like in the original game, players can switch between fighting styles by pressing down on the D-Pad during combat. It’s worth noting though that it isn’t possible to change styles mid-combo or while performing an EX action. Players will know if the change has taken effect as the animal icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen will change, as too will the color of the glow that’s emitted by each attack. When using Crane Style, punches and kicks will have a blue glow, while the Tiger and Snake Styles are characterized by pink and green hues respectively.

When to Use Crane Style

First unlocked in the game's prologue, Crane Style is perfect for dealing with large groups of enemies and provides a decent mix of crowd-controlling techniques and hard-hitting area attacks. Players should use it whenever they find themselves surrounded by foes, particularly if there’s not much space to maneuver around them. It doesn’t quite have the same bite to it as Tiger Style, but for the vast majority of encounters, it should be more than adequate.

When to Use Tiger Style

Tiger Style is incredibly useful when up against powerful single targets, particularly those with a tendency to block. Its powerful punches and kicks are more than capable of breaking through an opponent’s guard and can shred an enemy’s health bar a lot faster than either of the other two styles. It is let down a little by its limited range, but can be used to pick off opponents one by one if the fighting area isn’t too crowded.

When to Use Snake Style

Based loosely on Aikido, Snake Style is a bit more defensive than the other two styles and is great for dealing with enemies with weapons. From Chapter 1 onwards, players can easily disarm thugs who are packing heat with a few well-timed presses of the circle/B button and can even get foes to surrender if and when they become frightened. It’s fairly useless against boss enemies, however, so players will only really use it during street fights.

What is the Best Fighting Style in Lost Judgment?

For those looking for the best of all three worlds, Crane Style is definitely the way to go. The vast majority of fights in Lost Judgment pit players against three or more opponents, making the style’s unmatchable range invaluable most of the time. Once stronger skills are unlocked, its single target damage potential isn’t too far off Tiger Style either, and its free-flowing movement makes it very difficult for armed enemies to land a hit providing players don't stay in one place for too long.

MORE: Lost Judgment: How to Find the Time Capsule

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