Friday, 01 October 2021 03:54

Lost Judgment: School Stories Unlock Guide

Written by Thomas Bowen
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There are ten School Stories for players to sink their teeth into in Lost Judgment, many of which offer their own unique and enjoyable mini-games.

A school may not seem like the best setting for a game centered around a grizzly murder, nor one in which the main protagonist beats up just about every person that he meets. That said, Lost Judgment definitely makes the most of its high school hub, providing players with ten unique School Stories to supplement its fantastic main story and the many Side Cases and mini-games that are also on offer.

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In total, there are ten School Stories for players to dig into, with each one having its own special unlock requirements and challenges. In fact, some of Lost Judgment's very best mini-games come courtesy of these carefully crafted cases, though that's not to say that there aren't one or two duds mixed in there as well. For those looking to unlock the seven associated trophies/achievements though, they'll all need to be completed regardless.

Mystery Research Club

Available From Chapter 2: Vicious Cycle
Unlock Requirements Become the club's Outside Counselor (automatic)
Leadership Qualities Gained N/A
Primary Location Seiryo High School, 1F

Not only is the MRC the first School Story that players will gain access to, but it's also the very last one that they'll complete. It sees Tak and Amasawa investigating The Professor: a mysterious figure with links to nefarious activities all over town. It's by far the most fleshed-out of the ten stories, though doesn't really get going until after the other nine have been fully explored.

Dance Club

Available From Chapter 2: Vicious Cycle
Unlock Requirements Complete the MRC tutorial (automatic)
Leadership Qualities Gained Teamwork & Appeal
Primary Location Seiryo High School, B1F

The Dance Club investigation sees Tak become an Outside Advisor for the Seiryo Rabbits: a dance troupe with big dreams of going to nationals. Players will need to take part in a rhythm-based mini-game as well as completing a few mini-investigations in order to help them to achieve their goal.

Robotics Club

Available From Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Unlock Requirements Come first in the second Dance Club competition
Leadership Qualities Gained Teamwork & Focus
Primary Location Seiryo High School, 4F

When Seiryo High's Robotics Club's signature bolts are found at a crime scene, Amasawa suggests that Tak investigates. In order to gain their trust and get to the bottom of the mystery, players will need to complete a territory-based mini-game involving robots and help the club to win the Robot RE Rally competition.

Boxing Gym

Available From Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Unlock Requirements Reach Level 2 in Focus
Leadership Qualities Gained Focus & Guts
Primary Location Todoroki Boxing Gym

When a mysterious figure known as the Payback Boxer begins assaulting people, Tak signs up at the local boxing gym in order to figure out who is behind the attacks. Players will need to defeat numerous boxers in order to complete the investigation, as well as helping the Payback Boxer to overcome a demon from his past.

Biker Gang

Available From Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Unlock Requirements Reach Level 2 in Guts
Leadership Qualities Gained Appeal & Guts
Primary Location Garage

The Biker Gang investigation sees players taking part in a special Death Race minigame in order to infiltrate and disband a local motorcycle gang. They'll need to complete 12 of these races in total, with each more difficult than the last. There's also a tailing mission and some colorful characters involved.

Photography Club

Available From Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Unlock Requirements Reach Level 5 in any Leadership category
Leadership Qualities Gained Focus
Primary Location Seiryo High School, 3F

The Photography Club is one of the shorter School Stories in Lost Judgment, with players simply needing to take three photographs in order to complete it. The last one is preceded by a rather annoying infiltration mission, however, which might take some players a couple of attempts to master.


Available From Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Unlock Requirements Reach Level 3 in Teamwork
Leadership Qualities Gained Appeal & Focus
Primary Location Hamakita Park

Though certainly functional, the skateboarding mini-game that features as part of the Skaters storyline is incredibly basic. The good news is it's also very short, with players simply needing to complete a handful of runs in order to uncover the truth behind a pair of feuding skaters.

eSports Club

Available From Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Unlock Requirements Reach Level 2 in Appeal
Leadership Qualities Gained Focus
Primary Location Seiryo High School, 4F

The eSports Club investigation is also a fairly short one. Players will need to find out whether the club's leader cheated in a recent tournament, though they won't be able to do so until they have defeated every member of the club in a game of Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown. Thankfully, they're all pretty bad, so this shouldn't take more than a few minutes.


Available From Chapter 4: Red Knife
Unlock Requirements Beat Ikeda Technical College Robot Research Club
Leadership Qualities Gained Focus & Guts
Primary Location Secret Casino

The Casino story requires players to investigate the president of the Board Games Club, who has recently started gambling at an underground casino. To complete the short investigation, they'll need to follow her to the casino, gain access, and then find a way to nullify her remarkable readings skills to beat her in a hand of poker.

Girls' Bar

Available From Chapter 4: Red Knife
Unlock Requirements Tail Bomber as part of the Biker Gang storyline
Leadership Qualities Gained Appeal
Primary Location Girl’s Bite

To complete the Girl's Bar School Story, players will need to earn the trust of a popular Girl's Bar worker by becoming a regular at her club and befriending some of her coworkers. This can be done by buying them drinks and then playing a drunken sentence constructor mini-game or beating them at darts. It's also the only way to unlock several of the game's Side Cases and so is definitely worth completing despite its somewhat tedious nature.

MORE: Lost Judgment: How Long to Beat

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