Friday, 01 October 2021 08:30

Pokemon GO: How to Beat Arlo (October 2021)

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Team GO Rocket's leaders are still out there for players to defeat in Pokemon GO- here's how to defeat Leader Arlo's team of Pokemon this month.

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Team GO Rocket is still very much active in Pokemon GO this October. While Giovanni is still missing in action, the team's other leaders are still able to be fought by any player in possession of a Rocket Radar.

Arlo is one of the leaders of Team GO Rocket that Pokemon GO players can find in Rocket Balloons or in occupied PokeStops. He still has the same Pokemon as he did back in September, but that won't make the fight against him any easier.

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When fighting Arlo, it's important to note that while his first Pokemon will always be the same, the rest of his team is more unpredictable. His second and third Pokemon each pull from their own pool of three Pokemon that Arlo can send out during the encounter.

Arlo's First Pokemon - Venonat

Arlo's first Pokemon is Venonat, a dual Bug and Poison-type. It is weak to Flying, Rock, Fire, and Psychic-type moves while also resisting Poison, Bug, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass-type moves. It is Arlo's weakest Pokemon, but for players that want to deal with it quickly, the best counters are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Mewtwo Confusion Psystrike
Attack Form Deoxys Zen Headbutt Psycho Boost
Reshiram Fire Fang Overheat
Galarian Darmanitan Ice Fang Overheat
Chandelure Fire Spin Overheat

Arlo's Second Pokemon - Crobat, Ursaring, or Manectric

For Arlo's second Pokemon, he will pick either Crobat, Ursaring, or Manectric. The first of these is Crobat, a dual Poison and Flying-type Pokemon that's weak to Rock, Electric, Psychic, and Ice-type moves. It also resists damage from Ground, Poison, Fairy, Fighting, Bug, and Grass-type moves. Because of this, the best Pokemon to counter it are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Attack Form Deoxys Zen Headbutt Zap Cannon
Mewtwo Confusion Psystrike
Galarian Darmanitan Ice Fang Avalanche
Therian Thundurus Thunder Shock Thunderbolt
Alakazam Confusion Psychic

Moving on to Ursaring, this Pokemon is a pure Normal-type, making it only weak to Fighting-type moves. It also only resists Ghost-type moves, so the recommended counters are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Lucario Counter Aura Sphere
Conkeldurr Counter Dynamic Punch
Breloom Counter Dynamic Punch
Machamp Counter Dynamic Punch
Blaziken Counter Focus Blast

Manectric is a pure Electric-type Pokemon, so it also only has one weakness with Ground-type moves. For resistances, it can handle Flying, Steel, and Electric-type moves. The best Pokemon to use against it if it's sent out is:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Therian Landorus Mud Shot Earthquake
Excadrill Mud-Slap Earthquake
Groudon Mud Shot Earthquake
Garchomp Mud Shot Earthquake
Rhyperior Mud-Slap Earthquake

Arlo's Third Pokemon - Vileplume, Magnezone, or Scizor

For Arlo's final Pokemon, he has the choice between picking Vileplume, Magnezone, or Scizor. Vileplume is probably the easiest of the three to battle with it being a dual Grass and Poison-type Pokemon. It is weak to Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Ice-type moves with it also resisting Fighting, Water, Electric, Fairy, and Grass-type moves. The best counters against Vileplume are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Mewtwo Confusion Psystrike
Galarian Darmanitan Ice Fang Avalanche
Attack Form Deoxys Zen Headbutt Psycho Boost
Reshiram Fire Fang Overheat
Chandelure Fire Spin Overheat

For Arlo's next possible choice, Magnezone is a dual Electric and Steel-type Pokemon with weaknesses to Ground, Fighting, and Fire-type moves. It however has a lot of defensive power with it resisting Normal, Rock, Bug, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Poison, and Steel-type moves. With this in mind, the best counters for this Pokemon are:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Therian Landorus Mud Shot Earthquake
Excadrill Mud-Slap Earthquake
Groudon Mud Shot Earthquake
Garchomp Mud Shot Earthquake
Rhyperior Mud-Slap Earthquake

Finally, Arlo's last possible Pokemon is his Scizor. This Pokemon is only weak to Fire-type moves and resists Normal, Bug, Steel, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Poison, and Grass-type moves. In order to bring out the real fire power, players are highly recommended to use:

Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move
Reshiram Fire Fang Overheat
Chandelure Fire Spin Overheat
Darmanitan Fire Fang Overheat
Blaziken Fire Spin Blast Burn
Moltres Fire Spin Overheat

Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: How to Beat Cliff (October 2021)

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