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- Sierra's First Pokemon - Sneasel
- Sierra's Second Pokemon - Ampharos, Granbull, or Gliscor
- Sierra's Third Pokemon - Houndoom, Kingdra, or Drapion
Pokemon GO players are still going up against the nefarious members of the villainous group, Team GO Rocket. Even though the group's boss, Giovanni, still hasn't been found after disappearing under mysterious circumstances in September, the rest of the team's leaders can still be battled.
Sierra is one of the Team GO Rocket leaders Pokemon GO players can find in Rocket Balloons and at occuppied PokeStops. Her team may not have gone under any changes since September, but she is still a difficult fight to get through for most players.
RELATED: Pokemon GO: How to Beat Cliff (October 2021)
In the fight against Sierra, she will always use the same Pokemon as her first party member, but things will change after it goes down. Her second and third party have three different Pokemon each that can fill the slot during an encounter with her. This makes the fight much more unpredictable.
Sierra's First Pokemon - Sneasel

Starting off the battle, Sierra's first Pokemon will always be Sneasel. This Pokemon is a dual Dark and Ice-type, making it weak to Fighting, Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, and Fairy-type moves. It also resists damage from Ghost, Ice, Dark, and Psychic-type moves. While it's weaker than the rest of Sierra's Pokemon, players that want to get through Sneasel as quickly as possible should use:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Lucario | Counter | Aura Sphere |
Conkeldurr | Counter | Dynamic Punch |
Breloom | Counter | Dynamic Punch |
Machamp | Counter | Dynamic Punch |
Blaziken | Counter | Focus Blast |
Sierra's Second Pokemon - Ampharos, Granbull, or Gliscor

For Sierra's second Pokemon, she has the chance to use either Ampharos, Granbull, or Gliscor. Ampharos is a pure Electric-type Pokemon, so it only has a weakness toward Ground-type moves. It additionally resists damage from Flying, Steel, and Electric-type moves. The best Ground-type Pokemon to use for this scenario are:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Therian Landorus | Mud Shot | Earthquake |
Excadrill | Mud-Slap | Earthquake |
Groudon | Mud Shot | Earthquake |
Garchomp | Mud Shot | Earth Power |
Rhyperior | Mud-Slap | Earthquake |
With Granbull, it is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon, making it weak to Poison and Steel-type moves while also resisting Fighting, Bug, Dark, and Dragon-type moves. It can be easily taken care of by using the following:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Zacian | Metal Claw | Iron Head |
Metagross | Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash |
Attack Form Deoxys | Poison Jab | Zap Cannon |
Dialga | Metal Claw | Iron Head |
Roserade | Poison Jab | Sludge Bomb |
The last of the Pokemon that Sierra can use second is Gliscor. This Pokemon is a dual Ground and Flying-type that's only weak to Ice and Water-type moves. Defensively, it is able to resist damage from Electric, Fighting, Poison, Bug, and Ground-type moves. Because of this, the most recommended Pokemon for this fight are:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Galarian Darmanitan | Ice Fang | Avalanche |
Mamoswine | Power Snow | Avalanche |
Weavile | Ice Shard | Avalanche |
Glaceon | Frost Breath | Avalanche |
Jynx | Frost Breath | Avalanche |
Sierra's Third Pokemon - Houndoom, Kingdra, or Drapion

Finally getting to Sierra's final Pokemon selection, she has the choice between Houndoom, Kingdra, or Drapion. Houndoom is a dual Dark and Fire-type Pokemon that's weak to Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water-type moves. It can resist damage from Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, and Psychic-type moves. If players want to have the best possible counter, the recommended Pokemon are:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Rampardos | Smack Down | Rock Slide |
Kingler | Bubble | Crabhammer |
Therian Landorus | Rock Throw | Earth Power |
Conkeldurr | Counter | Dynamic Punch |
Kyogre | Waterfall | Hydro Pump |
Sierra's Kingdra is a dual Water and Dragon-type Pokemon that is only weak to Dragon and Fairy-type moves. This Pokemon also resists Steel, Fire, and Water-type moves. Despite the limited pool of Pokemon to choose from, the best for this fight are:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Black Kyurem | Dragon Tail | Outrage |
Palkia | Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor |
Rayquaza | Dragon Tail | Outrage |
Salamence | Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor |
Zacian | Snarl | Play Rough |
The last of the Pokemon Sierra can use is Drapion. It is a dual Poison and Dark-type, making it only weak to Ground-type moves. For resistances, it has Psychic, Poison, Ghost, Grass, and Dark-type moves. Luckily, this means that Drapion shares the same counters of Ampharos, which are:
Pokemon | Fast Move | Charge Move |
Therian Landorus | Mud Shot | Earthquake |
Excadrill | Mud-Slap | Earthquake |
Groudon | Mud Shot | Earthquake |
Garchomp | Mud Shot | Earthquake |
Rhyperior | Mud-Slap | Earthquake |
Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.