Tuesday, 05 October 2021 18:08

Pokemon BDSP Theory Suggests the Games Could Have 2 Extra Pokemon

Written by Nicola Jean Kapron
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One fan creates a Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl theory that argues the Sinnoh remakes could feature 2 extra Pokemon.

As more information about Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl comes to light, several new and returning game mechanics have been given the spotlight, but as of writing, the new Gen 4 Pokedex remains in the shadows. While the National Pokedex is likely to return in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the lack of solid information has led some fans to guess that it may come back in a slightly altered form. A cryptic image found in the September gameplay reveal video may suggest that the National Pokedex will add two new Pokemon to the Sinnoh remakes.

The image in question is a still from the trailer that shows the Poketech counter stopping at the number 495. In the Gen 4 Pokemon games, players could unlock the National Pokedex after seeing the 150 Pokemon found in the Sinnoh region. However, the National Pokedex featured 493 Pokemon, so the focus on the number 495 instead may suggest some new additions in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

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Redditor maxbacker02 drew attention to this number and theorized that it could be a cryptic clue hinting at two new Pokemon being added in the Sinnoh remakes. Maxbacker02 theorized that the new Pokemon would be Regieleki and Regidraco, which were added in Pokemon Sword and Shield. However, Pokemon fans also appear to be expecting Sylveon to make an appearance in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. If Regieleki and Regidraco are also added to the remakes, that would bump the number of new Pokemon up to 496.

While gamers should probably take this rumor with a grain of salt, it can't be denied that the developers have been rather tight-lipped on the subject of the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl National Pokedex. Additionally, previous Pokemon remake games have gone back and added new Pokemon, including Eeveelutions and Legendaries. This track record suggests it could be very possible that Sylveon, Regieleki, and Regidraco could all appear in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

As of writing, it appears that most fans are jokingly engaging with the theory. While several have brought up serious options--namely, Sylveon, Regieleki, and Regidraco--others have suggested more humorous Pokemon that could show up, such as Snivy. Two users stated that the new Pokemon would be Giratina and Arceus, both of which are already in Gen 4. Several other users have argued that the Sinnoh remakes are unlikely to add new Pokemon in the base game, especially when so little has been said publicly. This isn't the first time Pokemon fans may have created a theory out of whole cloth, but it's also true that Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl won't be 1-to-1 remakes.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl release on November 19 for Nintendo Switch.

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