Tuesday, 05 October 2021 19:45

New World: Where To Find Rivercress Stem

Written by Russ Boswell
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Finding Rivercress Stem can be difficult at first but once players know where to look they can easily farm it in New World.

New World has exploded onto the scene, with players from all over jumping into the fray to try their hands at Amazon's first MMO. Players have applauded the title for its visceral combat world-building via PVP, but players that are just starting out may not realize how deliciously in-depth the release is when it comes to crafting, gathering, and creating items.

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There are so many things to find, learn about, and collect in New World's abundance of zones and biomes. A perfect example is Rivercress Stem, an incredibly useful ingredient that is somewhat elusive to players that are just starting their adventure. To help new players, and dedicated crafters alike, we've put together this guide on what exactly Rivercress Stem is and where it can be found.

What Is Rivercress Stem And How Do You Find It?

Rivercress Stem is a crafting material that my also be requested by Town Halls or quest-givers at times. It's elusive to many players due to its niche location. Those looking to snag a Rivercress Stem will need to first locate a large Rivercress plant. Thankfully, these plants are pretty easy to spot once players know what (and where) they should be looking for.

Rivercress plants can be found all over, near rivers and waterfalls, but they are most abundant in the Windsward and Everfall areas. It's important to note that this particular plant loves riverbeds and waterfalls most, so players that want to collect an abundance of it will need to track to these locations in the previously mentioned zones.

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As for the plants themselves, Rivercress glow a bright neon-blue color and almost appear to be "floating." They have colored tips and sit atop a mossy rock, usually. Once players have spotted their first Rivercress, they'll easily be able to identify them from a distance thanks to their size and unique color. It is important to note that Rivercress can only be gathered by one person at a time, so other players can possibly "steal" the node before one gets to it. For this reason, it's recommended to try to locate Rivercress Stem in less-populated parts of the Everfall and Windsward zones.

What Else Can Be Gathered From Rivercress?

Rivercress Stem isn't the only item that players may receive from a Rivercress plant when they gather from it. Here's a look at some of the other items that might pop into a player's inventory after harvesting from a Rivercress node:

  • Rivercress Leaf
  • Rivercress Flower
  • Water Mote

Rivercress also comes with a "Harvesting proficiency gate." Players will need to have level 30 in Harvesting to start gathering from these plants. They'll also need at least a Flint Sickle. Harvesting can be easily leveled by simply gathering from non-proficiency-locked nodes like Hemp or Petalcap Fronds. Thankfully, it doesn't take too long to grind to Harvesting level 30.

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