Sunday, 10 October 2021 12:30

Pokemon GO: Best Moves For Pancham

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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Need better attacks to pummel foes with this panda-like pokemon? Here's what you need to know to select Pancham's best moves!

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This feisty little panda-like pocket monster can be a solid choice for trainers in Pokemon GO who need a Dark or Fighting-type ally on their side. However, to make the best use of Pancham in battle, players should pay close attention to their moves before finalizing which ones will remain on this pokemon's moveset.

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In battle, the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) is arguably the most crucial additional factor for determining the effectiveness of a move in Pokemon GO aside from the main factors (Damage and DPS). As such, players should select Pancham's moves based on these criteria.

The Best Fast Move For Pancham

All Of Pancham's Fast Moves

Move Name Damage Damage Per Second (DPS)
Tackle 5 10
Low Kick 6 10

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Analysis Of Pancham's Fast Moves

There is no doubt that Low Kick is the better out of the two Fast Moves for Pancham in Pokemon GO. The reason for this is that, in addition to possessing higher base Damage than Tackle, Low Kick also gets a Same Type Attack Bonus due to it being Fighting-type. The boost that Low Kick gets from being the same type as Pancham means that it will always do more damage than Tackle, despite their base DPS stats being the same.

The Best Charged Move For Pancham

All Of Pancham's Charged Moves

Move Name Max Charges Damage Damage Per Second (DPS)
Body Slam 3 50 26
Low Sweep 3 40 21
Crunch 3 70 22

Analysis Of Pancham's Charged Moves

Things are much closer between the Charged Moves of Pancham, as there are trade-offs in terms of some statistical information. Firstly, it should be mentioned that all of Pancham's potential Charged Moves have 3 charges each, meaning that they all require the same amount of charging to be used, and, as such, are equal in this regard.

The biggest factor to look at is the individual Damage stats of these moves, with the Dark-type Crunch being the clear leader. Body Slam does a decent amount of damage, though is thoroughly trumped by Crunch due to both the base Damage difference and the latter gaining bonus points of Damage from the STAB mechanic. Even though Body Slam has a higher base DPS, this won't matter much when compared to Crunch after its natural boosts.

Low Sweep, being a Fighting-type move, will grant some higher damage output, which makes it preferable to Body Slam, though the former's base Damage stat is simply far too low compared to Crunch to ever be worth using over the Dark-type move. Furthermore, if players already have Low Kick as a Fast Move, it would be wise to not have a Charged Move of the same type in order to be able to counter more kinds of opponents. As such, Crunch is definitely the best Charged Move for Pancham in Pokemon GO.

Pokemon GO is available on iOS and Android.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Best Moves For Deerling

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