The beauty of the Far Cry series is that it lets the gamer play it their way. Whether that’s using a stealthy approach to take down enemy outposts armed with a bow and knife just like Rambo. Or even walking in like Arnie’s Commando with a rocket launcher and laying waste to everyone in sight, there’s a style to suit everyone. That said, both methods of approach can be challenging in their own ways and Far Cry 6 recognizes this by including two difficulty modes: Action Mode and Story Mode.
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Action Mode And Story Mode
When starting a new game of Far Cry 6, the game will give the player choice of two difficulties: Action Mode and Story Mode. Let's give a rundown of what each mode offers the player:
Action Mode
The Action Mode is for players experienced with action games and the Far Cry series and shooters in general. This means that the player will need to keep an eye on their health, ammo, and stronger enemies. It's a challenging experience, especially if one chooses to take on the higher-ranked targets; but it's very rewarding when overcoming the odds like most games.
Story Mode
As the name suggests, the Story Mode difficulty emphasizes the game’s story over combat, with much of the challenge being removed entirely. Health recovers quickly, and enemies are less bullet spongy from the start. Dani will suffer less damage than the Action Mode difficulty, so there’s less worry when it comes to healing. In addition, the Story Mode provides some light aim assist, so it’s easier than ever to take down multiple enemies in quick succession.
Choose Action Mode
Far Cry 6 can indeed be a challenging game, but this latest entry is also one of the most rewarding in the series. Unlike the predecessors, the game puts the players in the shoes of an ex-soldier, so they are already well accustomed to combat situations. This means that it’s already easier for Dani to take down their targets and their handling of weapons makes Dani play like a one-person army. This protagonist is a "far cry" from the underdog forced to fight for survival in past titles.
In addition, this entry does a much better job of providing the player with as many gadgets and weapons to play with at a much quicker pace. The Resolver weapons built from scrap by Juan Cortez – Far Cry 6’s equivalent of James Bond’s Q – make taking down everything from on-foot enemies to helicopters a breeze.
Change The Difficulty At Any Time
Perhaps more than ever before, Far Cry 6 is a more rewarding experience, and it's certainly designed to be played in Action Mode. However, if one desires, they can adjust the difficulty settings mid-game and drop it down to the Story Mode setting. The method to get this done is simple enough:
- Press Start or Options button to pause the game
- Press RB/R1 and select Options in the menu
- Select Gameplay
- Game Difficulty is the first option at the top of the menu
Far Cry 6 is available for the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC.