Sunday, 10 October 2021 18:43

Far Cry 6 Enemy Spawns Are Frustrating Players

Written by Mason Sansonia
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Far Cry 6 changes up how enemies spawn from past games, but players are taking issue with the change and its affect on gameplay.

Far Cry 6 is finally in players' hands and they are exploring all the similarities and differences with previous titles in the series. Players are taking bases, exploring the open map, and trying to unlock Far Cry 6's secret ending.

Of course, Far Cry 6 is far from free of problems with its release, and players are quickly discovering things that they do not like about the game. While there is the standard suite of bugs that many players inevitably discover in most open world games, other things are not problems with the code, but with design. One gameplay aspect in particular has players up in arms.

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A new feature added to Far Cry 6 that distinguishes it from previous entries in the series is respawning enemies, ensuring enemies are always there for players to fight. Unfortunately, more enemies to fight, especially ones already defeated, are not what players are looking for. One player on Reddit laments that the respawning enemies continually ruin the stealth gameplay they love about Far Cry titles. Considering this is integral to the gameplay, the players who are not fans of the respawning foes probably wouldn't recommend the Far Cry 6 Ultimate Edition.

The main reason the stealth route for taking fortresses is ruined by respawn is just how fast the enemies come back. The player illustrates an attempt of taking a fortress where, after clearing an area of enemies and moving on, said enemies were back in place by the time they took out another area. It also causes problems when the player actually gets detected and has to engage the enemy on a large scale. More and more enemies will continually spawn from nowhere to challenge the player, dragging out fights much longer than previous titles. No one can find a dev's tribute to their cats in Far Cry 6 when they're being spammed by enemies.

As it stands, the respawning enemies may become one of the biggest fixes that Far Cry 6 needs right now. Some players hope that it is removed from the game entirely, but in all likelihood a fix would simply turn down the volume and/or frequency of the enemy spawns.

Whether or not this, coupled with Far Cry 6's other troubles, is enough to dissuade players from liking it will be a personal matter. For others, the biggest issues aren't the new features, but the lack of innovations in other places. Perhaps if a Far Cry battle royale really does emerge it will capture or recapture players currently passing on the series.

Far Cry 6 is available now on Luna, PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Far Cry 6's Post-Credit Scene and Connection to FC3 Explained

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