Tuesday, 12 October 2021 19:51

Far Cry 6: Where to Find Zona 51 Rifle (La Divinidad Cathedral Contraband)

Written by Cameron Corliss
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Far Cry 6 players looking to add an interesting new weapon to their arsenal need look no further than the Zona-51 rifle.

Far Cry 6 has a robust number of weapons for players to unlock, with there being unique weapon options for every class from rifle to pistol. One of the most visually impressive weapons is Zona-51, an alien arcade game-themed rifle with some neat perks. For those looking to unlock the weapon, here’s where to find Zona-51 in Far Cry 6.

While Zona-51 is an impressive weapon, earning it will be a greater challenge than some of the other unique weapons in the game. It’s tied not only to the late-game city of Esperanza but also a military target, so think of earning it as a small mission versus a relatively simple weapon to obtain like Far Cry 6’s Urushi rifle.

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Where to Find Zona-51 in Far Cry 6

First things first, players are going to need to make their way to Esperanza, the city that Anton Castillo calls home. The city is available early on in the game, right after departing the tutorial island, but it’s quite the trek. For those just starting out, it’s worth getting as close as possible with a plane then using the wingsuit to close the gap to the city.

Once in Esperanza, head to La Divinidad Cathedral. The cathedral is in the eastern part of the city and will have an objective marker over it, making it stick out. Keep in mind, the cathedral is heavily guarded with eight-star enemies, and being detected is something of a death sentence for players with lower-level gear. Sneak quietly through the location, either grappling up the scaffolding in the alley outside or climbing the ladders inside the cathedral itself.

Zona-51 is located in La Divinidad Cathedral’s bell tower, which is accessible via the roof. However, the bell tower is locked, requiring the Bell Tower Key to open. To obtain the key, locate and eliminate the officer patrolling the cathedral. Alternatively, killing all the troops on the premises will complete the military target and help players unlock Zona-51. Unlock the bell tower, and Zona-51 will be sitting in a Yaran Contraband Chest on a shelf.

Far Cry 6 Zona-51 Stats and Mods

Zona-51 is a bit of an interesting gun in Far Cry 6. It’s particularly useful for players that prefer to go into situations loudly, offering a solid scope and incendiary rounds. It is somewhat outclassed by Urushi statistically, which is an important factor to keep in mind. However, it’s a visually appealing weapon with an arcade theme. Plus, reloading it will reload a player's other weapons, which makes it a powerful weapon when combined with a machine gun.

Far Cry 6 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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