Tuesday, 12 October 2021 21:30

Metroid Dread: What To Do After Getting The Storm Missiles

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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These multi-missiles are excellent for dealing with many kinds of enemies, however, are also crucial for unlocking a certain kind of obstacle.

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As with many doors and obstacles in Metroid Dread, players will often encounter them before they have the means to deal with them. This can be particularly frustrating for some due to certain feats seeming possible but are in fact not, such as the missile-hungry doors with the green dots.

RELATED: Metroid Dread: How to Beat the Escue Boss in Ferenia

These doors with a vertical line of 5 green dots need to be opened by shooting the 5 respective targets in the area. While it's very close to being possible to do this by individually firing missiles are each target in quick succession, this is not actually how the developers of Metroid Dread intended players to open these doors.

To actually open these dotted doors of green specks, players will need the Storm Missile upgrade, which can be obtained after defeating the Escue boss in the southeast part of the Ferenia region. Once they do that, players will be able to unlock some new paths and make more progress through the treacherous bowels of Planet ZDR.

How To Use Storm Missiles

A bit different from previous upgrades to the missile-launching armament attached to Samus' arm, Storm Missiles must be charged before players can shoot them. To do so, simply hold down the R button until the usually red guide for one's hand cannon turns yellow, as this will indicate that the Storm Missiles are ready.

RELATED: Metroid Dread: Every Missile Upgrade Samus Has In The Series So Far

After this, players need to essentially run the yellow guide laser over whatever they want to lock onto in order for their missiles to seek out a target. Storm Missiles can lock onto up to 5 targets at a time, even those that are not enemies.

In terms of combat, Storm Missiles are the best for dealing with multiple small targets on a screen as well as foes covered in electricity who usually shrug off regular Power Beam attacks from Samus.

Where To Go After Getting Storm Missiles

Following the defeat of the Escue boss in the southeast section of Ferenia, players can now access some new areas with the Storm Missile upgrade. From the boss room, travel mostly northwest until players approach the shuttle station leading west into the Ghavoran region. Nearby to this shuttle station, there will be a room with an Item Sphere just to the east, which contains the Space Jump upgrade.

Prior to this moment, players could not get into the room with the Item Sphere due to the green-dotted door (which will now be labeled at "Storm Missile Boxes" by the game), but they can now thanks to the Storm Missiles. After unlocking this room, players can pick up the much-needed Space Jump ability, which will let Samus double jump and reach new metaphorical and literal heights.

Metroid Dread is available on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Where To Go After Getting Space Jump

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