When the Resident Evil 2 remake came out in 2019, it quickly became a hit, showing that there was potential for the series to be rebooted in a way that retained the original, while still injecting it with something fresh. When Resident Evil 3 remake was released a year later, it was not as well received, although it was still praised in many respects. If there was one major flaw, it's that the remake of RE3 was lacking in longevity. Fans were quite disappointed at the game's short length and lack of scares. However, some were also critical of its over-the-shoulder viewpoint, so much so that a fan remake is in the works.
According to a report, some people in the community are looking to do their own version of Resident Evil 3, but this time reinstating the fixed camera perspective, as well as the tank controls, that are very much associated with the original RE trilogy. A YouTube video has been uploaded to the RE Biohazard channel, in which the game retains the visuals and other aspects of the official remake, but changes the camera. In just under four minutes, Jill is seen wandering the interior of the police station, with the viewpoint changing ala the classic Resident Evil games.
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The fan remake is also being developed in Unreal Engine 5 which is one of the most popular engines for gaming. However, there's not much else to go on in the video. There are no monsters or cutscenes, and it's clear that this footage is simply to show what the Resident Evil 3 remake will look like with fixed camera angles. Given that it's supposed to be a call back to the original 2000 game, the report ponders whether this iteration will put back content that was cut when the remake was developed.
It also speculates whether Capcom will get involved with its legal team before the developer has a chance to complete this version. Many independent studios are all too familiar with the big companies coming down hard on unofficial games using their IPs. Ubisoft is fairly notorious for issuing DMCA takedowns, which has seen things like the fan recreation of Goldeneye done in Far Cry 5 be taken down. As it stands, Capcom has yet to take any action, so the remake is still going ahead as of writing.
Resident Evil 3 may not be considered the best in the series, but most fans would agree that it is still a worthy installment and a decent remake as well. What these fans are seemingly doing is simply showing that the official reboot could do with a bit of a classical touch, which could make it a better experience all round.
Resident Evil 3 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
MORE: Resident Evil 3: All Rumors About the Nemesis Edition So Far
Source: DSO Gaming