Wednesday, 13 October 2021 22:30

Metroid Dread: How To Get Bombs Early (Diffusion Beam Skip)

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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If players have acquired a few of the more basic upgrades, they can perform a skip to get the Bomb power-up early. Here's how!

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Skips are always handy in games where players have to do a lot of backtracking, such as Metroid Dread, however, these sequence-breaking acts can be tricky to spot and even trickier to implement--there's no exact science, just wild experiments and wavering results (though, many consider this the definition of "Science").

RELATED: Metroid Dread: How To Get The Gravity Suit Early (Skip Space Jump)

One such skip that can be found that allows players to get the Bomb power-up before obtaining the Diffusion Beam could potentially let gamers attain a better clear time and maybe even unlock some items in Metroid Dread's main menu gallery. All that's needed are Missiles, the Charge Beam, the Wide Beam, the Varia Suit, and the Morph Ball upgrades.

Step 1 – Start In The South Central Network Station In Dairon

To begin this skip, players must start in the Network Station located in central Dairon, which is between an E.M.M.I. area and an extreme heat zone. Thankfully, the Varia Suit upgrade will protect the player from the extreme heat, as to the right is where one will need to go.

In the room to the right of the Network Station, in the bottom right corner, there is a hidden Missile Block that can be destroyed to reveal a sub-room with a Diffusion Block that can be broken to open up a path into a lava-filled screen. Blast this block and head through the door to progress.

Step 2 – Traverse The Extreme Heat Area By Damage-Boosting Off Of Enemies

From the Network Station, go east into the extreme heat zone until one comes to a ledge overlooking a big pool of lava. Remember, the Varia Suit does not protect Samus from lava; only the super-heated air of red zones. This means that players usually need the Space Jump to clear the gap between the ledge in this room and the small shaft where one needs to go for this skip. However, there are other ways to cross this dangerous gap.

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Firstly, players can damage-boost off of the flying enemy nearby. This means that players will have to come in contact with the enemy while in the air at the right spot in order to gain a bit of hang time, which will allow Samus to then grab the ledge on the right just above where the flying enemy is located. Alternatively, if players have the Flash Shift ability that can be acquired in Burenia, one can use it to air dash toward the left wall opposite the shaft on the right, which will let Samus do a wall jump to reach the right ledge.

Head through the narrow passage toward the right and, upon exiting, damage-boost off of another flying enemy or Flash Shift here to reach the right wall overlooking the big pool of lava. From there, travel through the door in the bottom right to enter a new screen which will have some regular Beam Blocks barring one's way to an elevator. Destroy the Beam Blocks and use the elevator to proceed to the Artaria region and the next step of this skip.

Step 3 – Take The Elevator Down & Go Through Artaria

After entering Artaria via the elevator, go to the right and down a shaft with a few slug-like enemies before progressing even further right through a door.

In the room beyond will be an Item Sphere held by a statue containing the Grapple Beam upgrade. Grab it and then exit the room by using the newly-acquired Grapple Beam to move the big box and open the door, as well as to swing to the other side of the left adjacent screen. After that, retrace one's steps back to the elevator and return to Dairon before going back to the starting location of this skip: the Network Station next to the E.M.M.I. zone.

Step 4 – Ascend Through Dairon With The Grapple Beam To Reach The Bomb Upgrade

From the Network Station, go left and into the E.M.M.I. zone and then travel northwest until one exits the E.M.M.I area and reaches a Grapple Beam Block. Break this block, get through the new gap, and then head northeast. At the top of this area is the Morph Ball Bomb upgrade, which will allow players to progress through important areas--though, with this skip, a fair deal earlier for many gamers.

Metroid Dread is available on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Complete Guide & Walkthrough

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