Wednesday, 13 October 2021 22:04

New World Players Build Their Own Mini-Map

Written by Mason Sansonia
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Frustrated with the lack of immediate direction in New World, a player shares their own created mini-map, one of many that players have built.

New World has become a hot topic among some of its players, which can only be expected from the newest MMORPG on the block. Players are learning what makes the game tick and what hidden secrets New World has to offer.

Unfortunately, while there is a lot of land and resource to be gained in New World, it lacks some of the amenities that players have come to expect from a game so massive. One of these resources that players are keenly feeling the lack of is a mini-map, so a few enterprising pioneers have decided to do something about it.

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One player posted a video to Reddit explaining that, fed up with not knowing where things are in town, they created their very own mini-map. Nestled mostly comfortably above the equipment shown in the bottom left of the screen, it sticks out a bit but does its job. The video shows the mini-map displaying immediate surroundings accurately, with icons indicating different locations standing out on the landscape as well as clearly defined roads. It even features a zoom function, handy for finding specific things in town. It's not exactly one of New World's hidden features, but it sure is a useful one.

The second part of the short video shows that the mini-map works outside of town as well. While somewhat obtrusive on the screen, it certainly seems more convenient than not having one at all. Replies to the post mention the fact that other players have been implementing their own mini-maps as well, suggesting many approaches. The mini-map displayed in the video is available for others to use, although it requires an addon. One player bemoaned the fact that this could lead to a ban, adding to the complaints of players, which also include bemoaning New World's maintenance times.

This is another addition to the growing list of things settled in New World by player ingenuity against the game's system or other player-created problems. Also on that list is dying to fast travel, bizarre fighting styles, and using boars to kill fishing bots.

As cool as all of that is, it also highlights the number of problems that players have to deal with on a regular basis in New World and the number of requests to Amazon for more features. Among those requests is the power to rebel against one's own faction due to bad practices already being put in place by controlling Companies.

New World is available now on PC.

MORE: New World: Dyrus Ban Explained

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