Saturday, 16 October 2021 19:31

Terraria: Everything You Need To Know About Oasis Biomes

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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These sub-biomes in Deserts are uncommon and interesting to explore for a few reasons. Here's what you need to know about Oasis biomes.

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Desert biomes in Terraria can be harsh and unforgiving, not unlike real deserts, however, there are some pleasant places to be found inside them. Oasis sub-biomes can spawn within Desert biomes, though, are considered by the game to just be more Desert biome despite quite a few notable differences.

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There are some critters and fish that can only be caught here, so completionists will want to venture to the nearest Oasis at some point in order to fill up their various Terraria collections. There's even a unique type of wood found here for those looking to acquire a possibly more aesthetically pleasing crafting resource. However, the fishing goods that can be reeled in are the most valuable to many players, and for good reasons.

Where To Find Oasis Biomes & What They Look Like

Where To Find Oasis Biomes

As mentioned before, Oasis sub-biomes can only spawn in Desert biomes, though, multiple Oasis sub-biomes can appear within the same Desert. Oasis sub-biomes can also only spawn on the surface, so they won't appear in Underground Desert biomes despite being able to spawn directly above one.

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What Oasis Biomes Look Like

In appearance, Oasis will have a light yellow coloration to its sand and soil as well as be possibly adorned with palm trees and at least one body of turquoise-colored water. In terms of critter and fish spawning, creatures native to Desert biomes, as well as some unique ones, will show up in this sandy paradise.

All Critters, Drops, & Items Found Only In Oasis Biomes

Oasis Critters

Players should be sure to bring a Bug Net with them to any Oasis as well as a Fishing Rod, as there are plenty of unique specimens to acquire here. The Dragonflies and Water Striders that can be found in Oasis sub-biomes usually have relatively high Bait Power stats, making them excellent for catching rarer fish and items while fishing. Here's a list of all the critters that can be found in Oasis sub-biomes:

  • ​Black Dragonfly
  • Orange Dragonfly
  • Yellow Dragonfly
  • Water Strider
  • Gold Water Strider
  • Pupfish (a fish)
  • Grebe (a bird)

Oasis Fishing Items

There is a couple of special fish that are only found here, which can be cooked to make helpful consumables.

Fish Benefits
Rock Lobster
  • When cooked, it becomes a Lobster Tail consumable item
  • Lobster Tail gives the Plenty Satisfied buff for 10 minutes (minor increase to all stats)
  • Lobster Tail also gives a temporary moderate increase to all stats
  • When cooked, it becomes a Sashimi consumable item
  • Sashimi gives the Plenty Satisfied buff for 8 minutes (minor increase to all stats)
  • Sashimi also gives a temporary moderate increase to all stats

There are also Oysters that can be reeled in, which are actually a grab bag-type container that will always yield a Shucked Oyster and possibly some pearls of varying color and value.

Item Name Chance Of Appearing In An Oyster Benefits
Shucked Oyster 100%
  • Gives the Well Fed buff for 10 minutes when consumed (minor increase to all stats)
  • Also gives a minor increase to all stats
White Pearl 15.36%
  • Worth 1 gold coin
  • Can be used with other ingredients to craft Lesser Luck Potions
Black Pearl 3.84%
  • Worth 5 gold coins
  • Can be used with other ingredients to craft Luck Potions
Pink Pearl 0.8%
  • Worth 25 gold coins
  • Can be used with other ingredients to craft Greater Luck Potions

Players can also potentially fish up Oasis Crates in Classic Mode or Mirage Crates in Hard Mode as well as Expert Mode. Each crate contains rare goods that can be useful to any explorer.

Crate Name What Can Be Found Inside
Oasis Crate
  • Scarab Fishing Rod (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Dunerider Boots (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Storm Spear (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Thunder Zapper (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Bast Statue (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Snake Charmer's Flute (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Magic Conch (Quantity: 1, Drop Chance: 100%)
  • Sturdy Fossil (Quantity: 10-16, Drop Chance: 50%)
  • Healing Potion (Quantity 5 to 17, Drop Chance: 50%)
  • Mana Potion (Quantity 5 to 17, Drop Chance: 50%)
  • Journeyman Bait (Quantity 2 to 6, Drop Chance: 50%)
  • Master Bait (Quantity 2 to 6, Drop Chance: 50%)
  • Scarab Bomb (Quantity: 4 to 6, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Gold Coins (Quantity: 5-12, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Iron Bar (Quantity: 10-20, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Silver Bar (Quantity: 10-20, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Gold Bar (Quantity: 10-20, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Lead Bar (Quantity: 10-20, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Tungsten Bar (Quantity: 10-20, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Platinum Bar (Quantity: 10-20, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Obsidian Skin Potion (Quantity 2 to 4, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Spelunker Potion (Quantity 2 to 4, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Hunter Potion (Quantity 2 to 4, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Gravitation Potion (Quantity 2 to 4, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Mining Potion (Quantity 2 to 4, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Heartreach Potion (Quantity 2 to 4, Drop Chance: 25%)
  • Tin Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Iron Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Lead Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Silver Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Tungsten Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Gold Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Platinum Ore (Quantity: 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 14.29%)
  • Healing Potion (Quantity 5 to 17, Drop Chance: 50%)
Mirage Crate Mirage Crates possess identical drops to Oasis Crates in addition to the following:
  • Copper Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Tin Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Iron Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Lead Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Silver Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Tungsten Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Gold Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Platinum Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Cobalt Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Palladium Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Mythril Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Orichalcum Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Adamantite Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Titanium Ore (Quantity 30 to 49, Drop Chance: 7.14%)
  • Cobalt Bar (Quantity 8 to 20, Drop Chance: 16.67%)
  • Mythril Bar (Quantity 8 to 20, Drop Chance: 16.67%)
  • Adamantite Bar (Quantity 8 to 20, Drop Chance: 16.67%)
  • Palladium Bar (Quantity 8 to 20, Drop Chance: 16.67%)
  • Orichalcum Bar (Quantity 8 to 20, Drop Chance: 16.67%)
  • Titanium Bar (Quantity 8 to 20, Drop Chance: 16.67%)

Terraria is available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, macOS, Linux, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia.

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