Alongside the release of each new Teamfight Tactics set, characters are rotated both in and out of the game, with many changes to the synergies and possible team compositions. With the upcoming release of the Arcane series by Riot Games centered on the bustling city of Piltover, the newest Teamfight Tactics set has followed suit, adding a massive amount of lore-relevant buffs and characters. Many of these characters share traits with one another, leading to a wide variety of improvements, from massive team healing to creating mecha allies.
Arcane is a series soon to be released on Netflix based on the world of League of Legends, and more specifically the city of Piltover. With the release of the newest Teamfight Tactics set being similar to the release date of Arcane, Riot Games has decided to co-mingle their stories as it has done many times before like the Reckoning Storyline in TFT set five. Starring the two protagonists of Arcane, Jinx and Vi; the sisters share a unique trait in the next set, symbolizing how the set incorporates its story.
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The Newest, Most Unfamiliar Traits

Stemming directly from the release of Arcane, Vi and Jinx share a trait with one another in the same way Lucian and Senna have in the past. The only characters in the set to have the Sister trait are solely Jinx and Vi, making their abilities both powerful and extremely unique. Similar to their apparent personalities in the Arcane series trailers, the sisters will attempt to out-perform one another, increasing Vi's ultimate range by two hexes, and granting Jinx stacking attack speed for each takedown. This duo will definitely make for one of the strongest TFT compositions in the set.

As many familiar with League of Legends lore may know, there are a multitude of pirates and mercenaries amongst the cast of characters, each willing to fight if the price is right. At the start of each planning phase, the player is given a chest of loot, and dice are rolled to add additional loot to the chest. The loot can be anything from gold, to item components, and champions, which is claimed after winning a round. Similar to the Fortune buff in the TFT Fantasy set Fates, the player gains a larger award depending on how long they go without claiming it.

Many consistant TFT players will be familiar with the Hellion synergy from TFT set five, but despite sharing many characters, this buff is very different. Once a player has obtained three unique Yordles, the player is provided a free random Yordle at the end of each round. Once a player three-stars a Yordle though, it will no longer be provided; meaning if a player is able to three star their whole team before the end of the game, they are instead given the secret five cost Yordle Veigar. This composition may see some change for the Hyper roll gamemode upon release.

Sharing a similarity with the Spell Weaver trait in previous sets, Academics are provided a bonus to their AP and AD according to how strong the buff is, with benchmarks at two, four, six, and eight. Contining the trend, Academics gain bonus stacking AP and AD whenever they see another ally cast their spell, exemplifying them learning from one another as the round proceeds. Despite many characters with the trait being strong champions, the buff is lackluster in the severe late game, requiring extensive Pro TFT Tips and research to achieve maximum strength.

One of the most unique traits in the set, the Colossus trait allows champions with the trait to completely nullify all crowd control. There are only three characters with the Colossus trait; Galio, Sion, and Cho'Gath. Once a player has two of these characters, all Colossus champions recieve 25% less damage. While 25% specifically is a number that is subject to change before the update is live, this trait leaves scary things to consider about Sion and others in Arcane and their stories.
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TFT: Changes To Items And Gameplay

One of the newest additions to this set fits perfectly into the scientific, experimental atmosphere of Piltover city. Augments are a new addition to TFT, providing over a hundred unique bonuses to strengthen both a player's team, as well as wound opponents. These bonuses can come in many forms, some of which being: An essential completed spatula item, a bonus to specifically Yordles like Vex: The Gloomist, or even starting the fight with the entire enemy team being ignited by Sunfire Cape. This Augment element allows for the most unique moments of the set.
Some items as well have been changed to better reflect both the gameplay involved, and the world of Arcane. Archangel's staff now continually provides it's wielder with 25 stacking AP every four seconds of combat; Runaan's Hurricane no longer procs on-hits but instead grants a bonus 15 AD; Dragon's Claw now deals 18% Max HP damage to the caster when hit by their ability; and a few others have had minor changes. Riot Games continually changing things in League of Legends, TFT, and the mathematics behind ranked calculations continually keeps the game fresh for players.

In addition to the gameplay changes of TFT's set six, Riot Games is also adding many more possibilities for player's tacticians. Normally players were restricted to many skins of adorable fantastical animals and spirits to represent them on the battlefield of Teamfight Tactics, but no longer. Alongside the update releasing set six, chibi versions of many champions will be released as possible skins for player tacticians. Initially only Vi, Jinx, and Ekko have been shown, but many champions will continualy be added similar to releases in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
Teamfight Tactics is available now for Android, iOS, and PC.
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