Monday, 18 October 2021 20:28

Back 4 Blood is Missing Its Left 4 Dead Witch-Style Enemy

Written by Peter Hunt Szpytek
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Back 4 Blood iterates on the systems from Left 4 Dead to go in a new, unique direction, but it could have used a better Witch-like character.

From the "4" in its title, to its brutal zombie-shooting gameplay, it's clear to anyone familiar with both games that Back 4 Blood is the spiritual successor to the Left 4 Dead series. It's easy to compare the two, as they both feature plenty of similar elements that make them feel like they're in conversation with one another, but they also both stand strongly on their own with their own identities. It certainly feels like Back 4 Blood took most of the elements that worked in Left 4 Dead and expands on them in interesting new ways as a pseudo-sequel. That said, the game seems to be missing one of Left 4 Dead's most memorable encounters: the Witches.

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