When one talks about some of the greatest JRPG franchises of all time, it goes without saying that the Final Fantasy series will be a focal point of this conversation. However, the fanbase is definitely divided when it comes to choosing the best games in this series, with most people looking at Final Fantasy VIII with disgusted glances for a whole host of reasons.
It's a shame since Final Fantasy VIII is an underappreciated gem in many ways, and people who decided to pick up the remaster — as underwhelming as it might've been — can definitely vouch for the same. There are many reasons as to why this game is considered by many to be one of the better Final Fantasy games out there, with the characters being one of its biggest selling points in this regard.
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One character in the game who ends up being Squall's rival for the majority of the story before finally seeing the light is Seifer — a character so mysterious that most people don't even know all the facts surrounding him. Keeping this in mind, here are ten things about Seifer that most fans have no idea about.
10 The Red Cross That Seifer Wears Has Some Interesting Origins Of Its Own

Seifer is rather unique in Final Fantasy VIII, with the red cross on his jacket being rather indicative of a particular symbol that some people may be unconsciously aware of.
This cross is a variant of the Cross of Saint James (also referred to as the Cruz de Santiago). The was the symbol of an ancient Spanish order that was responsible for protecting European pilgrims from the Muslims of the Iberian Peninsula.
9 He's Older Than All The Other Main Characters...Save For One

When it comes to all the grown-up members of the orphanage, one must point out the fact that Seifer is actually older than every other member of the main party. Well, all except for one.
This exception is Quistis, whose reputation for being the oldest member of the orphanage group makes sense. After all, she did technically try to pose as Squall's older sister and was also an instructor at Balamb Garden at the beginning of the game.
8 His Use Of The Word "Romantic" Can Be Quite Confusing For Some

With the manner in which Seifer throws the word "romantic" around over and over again, one might assume that this actually refers to the more commonly-accepted meaning of the word.
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However, the "romantic dream" that Seifer mentions over and over again is actually a reference to the themes of romanticism. His wish to be a knight for a sorceress is the dream in question.
7 Seifer Doesn't Use Magic, But Chi-Based Attacks Instead

While most people might think that Seifer uses normal magic in a ton of his attacks, the fact of the matter is that his ability to draw and junction GFs was taken away after being expelled from the Garden.
Therefore, the powers Seifer uses are actually a manifestation of his chi. This is something that can be gleaned through some hidden in-game information.
6 Seifer's Use Of "Chicken Wuss" Is Pretty Consistent Throughout His Appearances

The manner in which Seifer humorously refers to Zell as "chicken-wuss" over and over again is something that has become quite iconic among the Final Fantasy fanbase. Furthermore, this is something that Square Enix is very much aware of.
This can be seen in the fact that Seifer uses "chicken-wuss" to refer to Roxas as well in Kingdom Hearts II, which is definitely a clever callback to his character's catchphrase.
5 He Was Heavily Inspired By Laguna

In Final Fantasy VIII, Seifer was heavily influenced by a movie where a valiant knight defends his sorceress from evil. In fact, this inspiration was so strong that Seifer even ended up copying the victory pose of this knight as well.
What Seifer probably wasn't aware of is the fact that the person who played the role of this knight was none other than Laguna Loire himself! In Final Fantasy 8, Laguna is a playable character in various dream sequences.
4 It's Ironic How He's The Head Of The Disciplinary Committee

For someone who is extremely brash, prone to fits of rage, and generally doesn't think things through, it's rather odd that Seifer was the head of the disciplinary committee in Balamb Garden.
Surely the officials in the Garden should've realized just how volatile and unreliable Seifer was? These traits should've automatically disqualified him from such a position in the first place!
3 He's The Most Frequent Boss Encounter In The Game

The player fights Seifer a total of four times throughout the entire game, making him the most frequent recurring boss in Final Fantasy 8.
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This role is rather fitting, given Seifer's position as Squall's rival and Ultimecia's mind-controlled servant. Each of these encounters ends up being a highlight in the game and makes for rather entertaining boss fights as well, except for the first one, that is.
2 He Essentially Serves As Squall's Mirror Image

Seifer's rivalry with Squall is reflected in every facade of the characters, be it their behavior towards each other or their designs.
Squall is a brunette who wears dark clothing as opposed to Seifer's blond hair and silver-white jacket. Squall's facial features are way less sharp than Seifer's, and they also have mirrored scars on their faces as well. Finally, both characters also have wildly differing victory poses.
The fact that they both use gunblades as well is something that should be also noted.
1 His Rivalry With Squall Is Way Deeper Than What One Might Assume

While it might initially seem that Seifer is just unreasonable when it comes to Squall and gets irritated by his rival's dismissive nature, the former's feelings towards the latter are way deeper and more complex than what might appear on the surface.
There are various subtle moments in the game that show how jealous Seifer is of Squall, coupled with a begrudging sense of admiration. This is clearly shown when Seifer and his friends congratulate Squall, Zell, and Selphie for graduating with flying colors.
NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Final Fantasy 8 Remastered You Should Know