Thursday, 13 January 2022 17:53

Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Waddle Dee Rescuing Should Lean Hard into City-Building Mechanics

Written by Stan Hogeweg
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Thanks to Kirby and the Forgotten Land’s Waddle Dee Town area, Kirby fans might get the opportunity to do some city building in-game soon.

Nintendo just dropped a new trailer for Kirby and the Forgotten Land that revealed a ton of exciting new details on top of the game's official release date. Kirby fans who enjoy playing with friends can look forward to Kirby and the Forgotten Land's co-op, thanks to the return of fan favorite character Bandana Waddle Dee. The trailer also sheds light on a couple new Copy Ability for Kirby fans to look forward to, like the Drill, which allows players to burrow through the earth and strike enemies from below. On top of all that, it looks like Kirby and the Forgotten Land has a pretty elaborate hub area called Waddle Dee Town to explore.

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