Wednesday, 17 February 2021 15:28

Valheim: How to Craft Frost Resistance Potion | Game Rant

Written by Jason Nichols
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Valheim forces players to face the elements and crafting a frost resistance potion is essential knowledge for surviving out in the wilderness.

Valheim can take players across a brutal terrain and acquiring knowledge to cook up potions can grant all manners of extra protection. Naturally, alchemy can be a complicated process, and acquiring the proper ingredients can be a bit tedious. Therefore, one of the most sought-after potions in Valheim is the frost resistance potion and there's a very specific way to get it.

Potions are the backbone to the survival of a player's gaming session. They add healing abilities, poison protection, stamina, and other magical abilities. There need to be certain crafting materials established first, before players can think about brewing potions. In Valheim, the first thing is to have a cauldron ready to go so players can effectively make the mead base and other concoctions. Once players have decided to make a potion and have the mead base ready, they will need to take it to a fermenter. It takes a while for a potion to ferment so players will need to tend to other things to burn some time. However, once the potion is fully fermented, it's ready for use.

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Currently, there are only six potions available to make. They range in minor and major healing abilities and elemental protection such as fire and ice. In this particular instance, players will need some very unusual ingredients for the frost resistance potion.

  • Frost Resistance Potion 
    • 5 Thistle
    • 10 Honey
    • 2 Bloodbag
    • 1 Greydwarf Eye

    This potion will help players survive the mountains during a blistering blizzard. The "Resistance vs. Frost" stats last about 10 minutes. Be sure to note that the fermentation process for creating this potion will last for about two in-game days. It'll be wise to have multiple fermenters established if players are planning on making potions and meads on a regular basis. This will cut down the waiting time and it'll work as an assembly line when players are out completing quests and working on their base.

    One common factor with potions and meads in Valheim is beehives. It's essential that players look after their bees so they can be productive. Players can collect honey and other ingredients out in the field. Also, they can build their own beehives by shooting down a hive, collecting honey and a queen bee. Queen bees can be used to build one's own nest and crank out honey are a regular basis. Just be sure to check in with bees and see if they're "happy." Doing this will ensure that they'll produce the most honey. This can be done by keeping them outside with plenty of room to roam or just place them on top of a wooden pole.

    Valheim is available on Microsoft Windows and Linux

    MORE: Valheim: Is There PVP?

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