Friday, 28 January 2022 16:24

Skyrim Player is Killing Nazeem Every Day Until Elder Scrolls 6 Gets Released

Written by Andrew Paul Heaton
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Everybody pretty much dislikes Nazeem from Skyrim, and one fan hates him so much that they're killing him every day until the next game arrives.

When it comes to Skyrim, the beloved game has one asset that truly winds players up, and that's the NPC Nazeem, the Redguard farmer from Whiterun who often talks down to the Dragonborn in a very condescending tone. Nazeem is often the subject of hatred in Skyrim, with players often wishing death upon him and his patronizing dialogue. However, one person is taking this a step further, and has decided to off the character every day, partly in protest at there being no word from Bethesda about the whereabouts of the next game.

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