In The Last of Us 2, Abby and Ellie have no shortage of deadly enemies to face. While Seraphites are creepy and Clickers will always be unsettling, Stalkers are one of the most horrifying enemies The Last of Us 2 fans can encounter — though it seems like one player has perfected taking them on.
In The Last of Us 2, Stalker fights are designed to be slow and grueling encounters. Punishing players for not using all the tricks they have at their disposal, every loud movement or piece of glass stepped on could lead to Abby or Ellie meeting an untimely demise. Further, the fights are designed to drain players of their resources, as Stalkers are always plentiful when they appear. While the strategy is usually to slowly progress through each area and change positions after every kill, one player had a different idea.
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Rather than play through The Last of Us 2 normally, Gweilo Ren rushes straight up to a Stalker and begins to throw hands. Putting Abby’s impressive muscles to good use, the player punches the Stalker several times. Before long, though, several more Stalkers appear, with four staring down the player at one point. Rather than adjusting their strategy, though, Gweilo Ren continues to use melee attacks, swinging their fists in the direction of the sneaky pack of enemies.
There are several close moments where this melee-loving The Last of Us fan looks like they are about to die, but several expert dodges save them from death — with some being triggered by the sound of the Stalker approaching from behind. With the player able to dodge perfectly without even seeing enemies, this Last of Us 2 player is clearly very experienced with the game’s deep combat. After a handful of stomps and slams, every Stalker is dealt with, and Gweilo Ren proves victorious using only their fists.
Stalker fights are some of the toughest in the game for most fans, and playing this way usually leads to most players being punished. However, Gweilo Ren’s skill at the game seems to be truly impressive, especially when considering the fact that they took no damage whatsoever from the enemies. Even further, the player captured this no damage Stalker fist fight on Grounded Mode, the hardest difficulty option in the series. Giving enemies increased health and players less resources, Grounded also would have seen Abby dying in a single hit from a Stalker — making the clip truly spectacular.
With not a single slip-up in one of the game’s tougher fights, this video is certainly worth a watch for fans of the post-apocalyptic sequel. With Gweilo Ren having such a unique strategy for dealing with Stalkers, it would be intriguing to see how the player deals with the monstrous Rat King.
The Last of Us 2 is available now for PS4.
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