Friday, 29 April 2022 22:20

Red Dead Redemption 3 Should See the Return of Red Harlow

Written by Max Borman
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The Red Dead series began with bounty hunter Red Harlow, but since Red Dead Revolver he has not made an appearance, so Rockstar should fix that.

Western fans have spent untold hours traversing the wild west in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption series. They have brought the Dutch Van Der Linde gang to justice with John Marston, and tried to keep the gang together during its final days as Arthur Morgan. They have dueled outlaws, hunted big game, and even robbed a train or two. The series has become exceedingly more advanced, with some saying the open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best in gaming, so fans are looking to the eventual third entry to see just where Rockstar takes things next.

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