Getting a powerful weapon can make all the difference in Demon's Souls, and few are as powerful as the Dragon Bone Smasher. This massive sword is said to be more like a club thanks to its blunt edges, but its high base damage and great Strength scaling make it a great weapon nonetheless. For most weapons in Demon's Souls, players just need to go to a specific location or use a certain Boss Soul in order to obtain them, but the Dragon Bone Smasher makes things a little more difficult. Players will need to have a basic understanding of how World Tendency works in order to get their hands on this weapon.
World Tendency in Demon's Souls does a lot of things, but the important thing for this is that different items and events will be available when the player is at pure white or pure black World Tendency. In the case of the Dragon Bone Smasher, players will need to get the second Archstone, the Archstone of the Digger King, to Pure White World Tendency.
RELATED: Demon's Souls - How to Get Pure White World Tendency
In order to do this, it's important to play the entire level in Soul form. This means warping back to the Nexus and suiciding there after each boss victory returns players to Body form. Dying while in Body form shifts World Tendency towards black, so it's best not to take any chances for those wanting to get their hands on the Dragon Bone Smasher. If players manage to defeat all three bosses (Armor Spider, Flamelurker, and Dragon God) without dying while in Body Form and without killing any friendly NPCs, they should get their World Tendency to pure white without a problem.

After reaching Pure White World Tendency, be sure to head back to the Nexus and then warp back to the Flamelurker's Archstone and head back into the Dragon God's boss room. The first time players entered this area, they turned to the right and made a break for the ballistae in order to kill the boss, but this time they will need to turn left. Down this path, a pile of rubble will block the player unless they are Pure White World Tendency. If Pure White World Tendency is achieved, the rubble will not be there and players can claim the Dragon Bone Smasher.
This powerful weapon requires a 30 Strength to use (20 Strength to use two-handed) and has a B Strength scaling. Additionally, while equipped players will have increased fire defense, something that will come in handy against enemies in the final Archstone or during New Game +. When fully upgraded, used in two hands, and with a Strength stat of 40, it has an attack rating of 472 and can still be enchanted beyond that.
Demon's Souls is available now on PS5.
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