Tuesday, 17 May 2022 19:33

House of the Dragon Should Usher in More Westeros Video Games

Written by Max Borman
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Game of Thrones has never had huge success in the gaming industry, but House of the Dragon's release should usher in a new era of Westeros games.

Game of Thrones was once the biggest name in fantasy, as it had been dominating television for years. While the finale left many fans angry, the series still left its mark, and Westeros has become one of the most iconic fantasy worlds around. Now, HBO is taking a trip back to Game of Thrones with the upcoming spin-off House of the Dragon. This will see the return of Westeros years before the Starks and Lannisters battled for supremacy. If it is successful, then Westeros will once again become a household name and social media will be rife with people discussing the latest episodes.

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