Saturday, 21 May 2022 12:17

Pokemon: Fuecoco's 'Presence' in Ultra Sun and Moon May Hint at Sprigatito's Evolutions

Written by Andrea Trama
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Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon's 'cameo' of Fuecoco could link Sprigatito to a small detail that ties into the Grass-type's evolution line.

Mainline Pokemon games are renowned at this point for the subtle hints and nods at future releases planned for the future, with the trend starting a long time ago and never stopping since. These small clues about what is coming next are often minuscule features that would simply go unnoticed for the longest time without anyone suspecting it, such as Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl possibly hinting at Pokemon Scarlet and Violet through sets of flowers. A great example of these hidden gems came with Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, which featured an in-game poster of what was going to be Gigantamax Toxtricity from Pokemon Sword and Shield, a long time before the creature was even officially revealed.

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