Sunday, 22 May 2022 14:29

Four Years Later, The Elder Scrolls 6 Might be Bethesda's Best-Kept Secret

Written by Andrea Trama
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The Elder Scrolls 6 is still a long way from release, and Bethesda might be quite secretive about it in order to avoid leaks.

Ever since Bethesda released The Elder Scrolls 5, players knew that everything Skyrim had to offer could not only reshape the world of video games but also pave the way for what The Elder Scrolls 6 could be in the future. There was no doubt in the mind of many fans that The Elder Scrolls 6 would become reality at some point, and that's because of the massive success that Skyrim enjoyed. However, little did The Elder Scrolls fans know that the sequel to Skyrim would be years in the making -- well over a decade, actually, with no indication of when it's going to come.

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