Sunday, 22 May 2022 19:34

Destiny 2's Vox Obscura Might Have Laid Out Major Narrative Points Until Lightfall

Written by Andrea Trama
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Destiny 2's Vox Obscura mission could be Bungie's way of telling fans what will happen in Seasons 17 through 19 up until Lightfall is released.

Destiny 2's The Witch Queen was an incredible release that managed to rival and surpass classics like The Taken King and Forsaken, with Bungie's prowess in world-building and narrative design showing once again. Another win for the team at Bungie is that Season of the Risen was overall one of the best accompanying Seasons the game has ever had, and it furthered the story of the expansion to a degree as well. Season 17 launches in less than 24 hours now, and there is a lot of hype among Destiny 2 fans about what the new release might entail, seeing how the only trailer for it is coming out two hours before launch, tomorrow morning.

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