Monday, 13 June 2022 23:51

Atlus' Xbox Launches Offer Hope for a Multiplatform Persona 6 Release

Written by Stan Hogeweg
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Three core Persona games are coming to the Xbox, which may speak to the platforms on which Atlus plans to release the elusive Persona 6.

Although Atlus hasn't confirmed any launch platforms for Persona 6, it feels fairly safe to assume that the game will be a PlayStation star when it finally comes around. The Persona franchise has a long, lucrative history of PlayStation exclusivity, and so it just seems inevitable that Persona 6 will be available on its home console as usual. However, Persona's context has changed a lot lately, due to a growing fanbase and Atlus breaking its own publishing habits. Because of recent Atlus games and future releases alike, one wonders if Persona 6 has any chance of releasing on the Xbox.

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