Tuesday, 14 June 2022 02:45

Interview: John Cho, Mia Isaac, Hannah Marks Talk About Don't Make Me Go at the Tribeca World Premiere

Written by Raven Brunner
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"This is definitely a coming-of-age movie for Wally. It is about her finding herself," says lead actor Mia Isaac.

"This is definitely a coming-of-age movie for Wally. It is about her finding herself," says Don't Make Me Go's Mia Isaac who dominates the screen with John Cho (Cowboy Bebop, Searching). "She is in this weird halfway point between being a kid and being an adult, and she is learning a lot about her father. She is at this point where you find out that your parent is a hero and that they're human, they make mistakes. It is a growing experience."

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