While most of Maquette's trophies are quite straightforward in their instruction, that is not the case for absolutely all of them. One of the achievements in particular that may seem slightly confusing upon first glance is titled Run, Move, Run!, and it simply states that players must enter the Arch Tower on their first try. For those Maquette fans that are unclear on exactly what that means, or how it is done, this guide is here to provide full details.
Before getting into the specifics of how to obtain this trophy, it is important to mention that it is connected to a puzzle that Maquette players will be forced to complete during a chapter called The Exchange. Fans that have not yet finished that chapter may thus want to return to this guide later in order to avoid any unneeded spoilers. On the other hand, players that have already completed the game and just need some clarification on the Run, Move, Run! trophy should feel free to read on.
RELATED: Maquette: The Maquette Chapter Walkthrough
With that established, fans that are working on earning this trophy should begin by getting to the point in The Exchange where they enter the tower with the blue owl inside. Interacting with this owl will cause an apparatus with a lever to rise from the ground, but indie game fans should not interact with it straightaway. Instead, they should take a moment to make a manual save, as this is the point where the Run, Move, Run! achievement can be obtained.
Once this save has been created, it is now time for players to interact with the lever and enter the Arch Tower, which is directly across from the blue owl tower, before it closes. To do this, puzzle game fans will need to quickly run outside, enter the regular size dome, move the small dome to a position very near to the Arch Tower, and then enter it. If a player is not successful doing this on their first attempt, they should simply reload the manual save and try again.
Indeed, with just a bit of patience, fans should have little trouble entering the Arch Tower, earning the Run, Move, Run! achievement, and getting one step closer to Maquette's Platinum Trophy. Notably, there are some missable achievements in this new title from developer Graceful Decay, and players that are going for 100% completion may thus need to consider a second or third playthrough.
Maquette is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5.