Saturday, 09 July 2022 01:20

Final Fantasy 16: How Ramuh Has Changed Since FF3

Written by Liam Ferguson
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Despite being one of the standard Final Fantasy summons, the thunder mage Ramuh has remained mostly static over his great many appearances.

The Final Fantasy franchise took a few games to build up its iconic imagery. Jobs were present in the very first game, but it took until Final Fantasy 3 for them to move beyond their initial Dungeons & Dragons inspirations. Similarly, plenty of classic monsters and even Bahamut were in the first Final Fantasy, but the full extent of FF's regulars were built up over the next few numbered titles. Even Cid, chocobos, and moogles were not present right away. Thanks to the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection, fans now have the chance to see the steps that shaped what Final Fantasy would eventually become.

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