Wednesday, 13 July 2022 23:01

Why Destiny 2 Developer Bungie is Keeping Quiet on Lightfall

Written by Andrea Trama
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Bungie has been silent about Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion, and this might be the sign that there is more to be seen in Season 18 and 19.

Destiny 2's Season of the Haunted tackled interesting narrative points for the franchise by addressing Calus and his relationship with The Witness, all while allowing other characters to heal from their scars. This trend has been going on since the beginning of Year 4 and the Beyond Light expansion, where Destiny 2's stories started to explore bigger underlying themes and delve deeper into narrative arcs that had only been hinted at prior. With The Witch Queen, Bungie also put a face to the next big villain of the series by introducing The Witness, posing more questions than it really answered.

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