Friday, 05 March 2021 22:30

The 10 Rarest Enemies In The Persona Series | Game Rant

Written by Ritwik Mitra
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The Persona series is filled with interesting enemies. But these are the ones you'll run into the least.

The Persona series is considered by many to be one of the greatest JRPG franchises out there, and it's easy to see why this is the case. From the brilliant stories to the lovable cast of characters, there are a slew of reasons as to why the Persona series has such a massive and rabid fanbase that will jump on pretty much everything delivered by the franchise... including some dancing spinoffs that are definitely quite puzzling indeed.

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While each story in the Persona series is self-contained — for the most part — there are several common elements present across the series, such as the spells, items... and monsters present throughout the games. Keeping that last point in mind, here are ten of the rarest enemies in the Persona series that most people have probably never encountered in the games.

10 Wealth Hand

The Wealth Hand has long been the quintessential rare enemy that can be encountered in both Persona 3 and Persona 4. These enemies are rather annoying to fight, given the fact that they constantly evade the player out of combat and try their hardest to run away in battle.

However, fighting and successfully beating these enemies will gift a ton of money and experience to the player, making the huge ordeal of fighting these annoying enemies somewhat worth it.

9 Queen's Necklace

Persona 5 decided to overhaul the entire structure of dungeon exploration that had been set in the first two games, allowing for a more personalized and focused dungeon-crawling experience that was also full to the brim with a ton of content as well.

One such change came in the form of Treasure Demons, who served as the rare enemies of Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. Fighting these enemies would not be easy by any stretch of the imagination, but players who managed to tackle this adversary and either capture or defeat them would get a massive advantage in battle.

8 Stone Of Scone

Given the rather annoying nature of Kaneshiro's Palace, it's only a given that the last thing players would want to do is go out of their way to explore this area — after all, it would make their trek through the Palace all the more annoying.

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However, players who do decide to go the extra mile will be able to encounter the Stone of Scone — a rather valuable Treasure Demon who would definitely be a major tool in the player's arsenal when it comes to Fusion if they manage to capture this foe.

7 Koh-i-Noor

The clever name of the Koh-i-Noor is named after the famed jewel of India, which is one of the largest cut diamonds in the entire world. So, it's only a given that its namesake would be just as valuable.

The Koh-i-Noor is the Treasure Demon present in Okumura's Palace, and — like most of the other Treasure Demons in Persona 5 — will serve as a lucky encounter who will reward the player substantially if they manage to either defeat or capture it.

6 Orlov

After Sae Niijima ends up becoming rather vindictive in her hunt for the Phantom Thieves, the group decides to take matters into their own hands and steal the Treasure from her Palace so that she can come back into her senses. This place also houses the Treasure Demon, Arlov, as well.

Unlike most of the other Treasure Demons that have been encountered in the game, Orlov has no discernible weaknesses. This means that players either need to use physical skills with high critical rates or use the special Down Shot ability in order to capture this rare foe. This isn't the case in Persona 5 Royal however, where this demon is weak to curse.

5 Emperor's Amulet

Shido's Palace is easily one of the highlights of the game, serving as a grueling trek through a cruise ship as the Phantom Thieves try their hardest to secure a route to the treasure and put an end to his horrid actions once and for all.

The Treasure Demon found here has a rather odd fact about him that discerns him from the other Treasure Demons in the game — he's the only Shadow who's called Emperor's Talisman when the player fights him, but changes his name after being captured.

4 Hope Diamond

Unlike the rest of the other Treasure Demons that have been mentioned on this list, the Hope Diamond is one of only two Treasure Demons that don't appear in any Palace.

This makes the act of encountering a Hope Diamond even rarer... although the fact that it appears in the Depths of Mementos certainly makes it slightly easier to encounter this Treasure Demon.

3 Crystal Skull

Along with Hope Diamond, Crystal Skull is another Treasure Demon who is not encountered in a single palace. However, unlike the Hope Diamond, finding this Treasure Demon in the Depths of Mementos is extremely rare, to the point where it's pretty much impossible to encounter this Treasure Demon in the Depths.

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This means that people who want to encounter a Crystal Skull will have to make some grueling journeys in Mementos before they're able to find one of the rarest Treasure Demons in Persona 5.

2 Orichalcum

The Orichalcum is the only Treasure Demon that's exclusive to Persona 5 Royal, appearing in Maruki's Palace near the end of the game.

The fact that this Treasure Demon is encountered near the end of the game means that most people really won't go out of their way to encounter this enemy. After all, these players won't really get the opportunity to utilize this Persona to the fullest, given how close the ending of the game is.

1 Reaper

The Reaper is not a normal run-of-the-mill enemy in the slightest, but its rare appearances in Mementos certainly qualifies this enemy for the list.

Encountering the Reaper entails that the player either wait around for this enemy for ages... or get lucky enough that his chains start rattling from the very moment that the player enters a new floor in Mementos.

This fight is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but players who manage to best this foe will be rewarded with large amounts of EXP indeed.

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