Saturday, 06 March 2021 19:13

Why Souls Fans Should Participate in the Dark Souls 2 Return to Drangleic Event

Written by Martin Docherty
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There are plenty of reasons that From Software fans should participate in the ongoing community Dark Souls 2 event, Return to Drangleic.

Return to Drangleic started on February 27th this year and continues on to March 13th. Running since at least 2017, this event focuses around bringing players back to FromSoftware's 2013 title Dark Souls 2. Although regarded by some as the difficult middle child of the series, every year thousands of fans gather in game.

As any FromSoftware fan will know, Dark Souls 2 is nothing if not controversial. It made several important changes that left the game incredibly distinct from the rest of the series. However, an awful lot of Soulsborne fans view it as a phenomenal game, with radical mechanical changes that encourage wider player options and build versatility. Due to this, an event like Return to Drangleic should not be missed by any Souls fan.

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Despite some debate, Dark Souls 2 is arguably the most replayable title in the entire series, as it gives its players unparalleled character-building diversity. Thanks to a set of altering combat mechanics, a huge range of viable options are possible. Due to this open approach to character building, Dark Souls 2 is perfect for a short-term replay event.

If players have ever wanted to delve through a Dark Souls game as a pugilist tavern brawler, a dual-wielding rapier duelist. or perhaps a mixed caster, Dark Souls 2 will let them do it successfully. Even though many had complaints about the game at launch, the best weapons in Dark Souls 2 are undeniably brilliant to wield, and most of these allow for a tactic called "power-stance." This mechanic lets characters in the game use a whole new move set when they equip certain weapons in each hand.

Alongside this mechanic, there is a lot of great armor in Dark Souls 2"Fashion Souls" is a term coined by the Soulsborne community, one denoting the importance of looking good while dying to rock-hard enemies in the series. Dark Souls 2 makes fashionable accessorizing easy since it has some gorgeous armor sets, and even has some lovely cloaks and hats to really complete a look.

If a Souls fan has always had a weird build in mind that they want to try out, then Return to Drangleic is a fantastic opportunity. There will be huge co-op potential in this two-week period, so Souls fans can rely on the community to carry their whacky characters through even the most difficult encounters.

"Bonfire Ascetics" are some of the most useful items in Dark Souls 2, which are little burnable lanterns allow players to customize the difficulty of certain places in the game. "Ascetic" is a philosophical concern with sturdiness of character, severe self-discipline, and a lack of all indulgence. That effect is exactly what the Bonfire Ascetic accomplishes, as the item changes the area around the bonfire in which it is burnt into a New Game Plus equivalent. So, more seasoned Souls players returning to Drangleic will be able to play the game on much more pressing terms, fighting through swathes of much harder enemies and reimagined encounter design.

Many gamers only saw one playthrough of Dark Souls 2, and a wealth of content exists in New Game Plus. Thanks to this system of optional scaled difficulty, areas can be massively switched up for players. If a Souls fan remembers the second game fondly for the difficult Soulsborne locations it contains, they can build a new character, rush to the area and farm it for as long as they want. There is even the opportunity for jolly cooperation in these favorite spots, or some high-stakes player-versus-player battles.

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One of the key rules for taking part in Return to Drangleic is a very specific message players need to leave in the game's hub area. The message reads "don't give up, skeleton!" The fact that such a basic and lovely little message is such an integral part of the event is fantastic. There was a lot of aggressive Dark Souls advertising around this game at launch, and the general "prepare to die" attitude surrounding the series often puts players off. Return to Drangleic emphasizes the spirit of fun and camaraderie within the series. For every shout of “git gud," there are many who leave their summon signs to help anyone who needs it.

Not only that, but there is a functional item trade system in place within the multiplayer. If two players are cooperating, there is every chance of trading some powerful items. This system mirrors the trades one can do with Snuggly the crow in the starting area. Thanks to generous players, there is a chance for some truly brilliant items to be exchanged. Of course, if generous trading is not in a player's interest, Dark Souls 2's PVP builds can be very exciting too.

During the Return to Drangleic event, there is a designated fighting zone for fighting other players. It has been the start of the Iron Keep area since 2017, and the tradition still stands. Sometimes, an experienced player can be even tougher than the best Dark Souls 2 bosses. With the right rings and equipment, the beginning of the Iron Keep will be incredibly engaging for any Souls fan.

If a Dark Souls 2 fan does want to Return to Drangleic, it is easy to do, but a copy of Scholar of the First Sin is required for maximum multiplayer potential. After that, a new character is required, with a race to the player's favorite point in the game due next. If the Souls fan is looking to play through with a specific person, the Name Engraved Ring is particularly useful. Players should also leave the "skeleton" message and engage in as much jolly cooperation or PVP as possible.

For anyone who misses the characteristic mechanics of earlier souls games, wants to face Dark Souls 2's most powerful bosses again, or just want to play Dark Souls with as many people as possible, Return to Drangleic is a fantastic opportunity.

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is available on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4.

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