Tuesday, 22 June 2021 04:38

The Burning Crusade Classic: Every Dungeon, Ranked By Difficulty

Written by Kristy Ambrose
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With The Burning Crusade hitting World of Warcraft Classic, we're ranking all of the dungeons that come along with it in terms of difficulty.

A "dungeon" in World of Warcraft is an instance intended for a party of five players. Once you have parties of 10, 25, or 40, they become raids, and although some dungeons and raids share the same space, they aren't really the same thing. That's why every World of Warcraft expansion has a variety of both to choose from already, and The Burning Crusade expansion added even more variety to the list.

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There are no less than 16 new dungeons added to WoW for TBC, and they were created in response to the demand within the community for more high-level group instances. That's a lot to review for those that are hoping to level up and get their attunements, so putting together a quick summary that includes some vital details, like difficulty level, would be really helpful.

Updated on June 23rd, 2021 by Kristy Ambrose: Now that The Burning Crusade patch is live, so are the dungeons; consequently, this list has been updated to reflect the present state of the game. Much of the technical information when it comes to levels and loot tables remains the same, so players can still use that comment thread from 2008 to help guide their way. It should be noted that some of these dungeons are part of the raid attunement process while others reward reputation to certain Outland Factions or drop Best-in-Slot gear. There's also Heroic mode to consider, which is more difficult but rewards more and better loot. Players have to complete quests or grind their rep levels in order to unlock Heroic mode. In the vintage days, only certain dungeons had a Heroic mode, but today all the dungeons have one. 

15 Hellfire Ramparts – Welcome to the Big Orange Thunderdome

  • Location: Hellfire Penninsula, Outland
  • Level Required/Recommended: 57/60
  • Overseen By: Thrallmar for Horde, Honor Hold for Alliance
  • Prerequisite: None

Each player is sent directly from the dark portal to their faction's main base via direct flight as soon as they set foot in Hellfire Penninsula. This is the first dungeon in the Burning Crusade expansion that most players see, literally.

It's one of several dungeons and instances inside Hellfire Citadel which is located in the heart of the zone. This is just down the road from the Dark Portal, and although it's a stark feature on the landscape, the actual dungeon entrances are notoriously tough to find, plus you have to deal with elite mobs as you do so.

14 The Blood Furnace – Two Steps Into Hellfire

  • Location: Hellfire Penninsula, Outland
  • Level Required/Recommended: 59/62
  • Overseen By: Thrallmar for Horde, Honor Hold for Alliance
  • Prerequisite: None

Once you've moved beyond the Ramparts, it's time to move on into the heart of the Citadel, the Blood Furnace. Run up a wooden ramp on the Honor Hold side of Hellfire Citadel to reach this dungeon. It is here that players learn about the source of the Fel Orcs' power and why they seem to be multiplying.

The next stage in this storyline is the last level of the Citadel that's actually a raid, Magtheridon’s Lair, and you can look down from a vantage point in this instance and get a look at the monstrous beast.

13 The Slave Pens – An Introduction to Serpentshrine Cavern

  • Location: Coilfang Resoivoir, Zangarmarsh
  • Level Required/Recommended: 62/64
  • Overseen By: Cenarion Expedition
  • Prerequisite: None

By the time you reach level 62, you've probably discovered Zangarmarsh and the Cenarion Expedition faction. Coilfang Reservoir is located in the very center of the zone. The Slave Pens are the lowest level dungeon in this expansive underwater maze that contains several instances for varying levels and groups.

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This dungeon is tougher than its counterparts in Hellfire Penninsula, and there's a huge jump in the quality of loot between this one and its predecessors. Players can also run this dungeon to grind rep with the Cenarion Expedition until a certain level. At that point, they'll graduate to other dungeons in the same location.

12 The Underbog – The Naga Headquarters of Outland

  • Location: Coilfang Resoivoir, Zangarmarsh
  • Level Required/Recommended: 63/65
  • Overseen By: Cenarion Expedition
  • Prerequisite: None

The Underbog is a step up from the Slave Pens and located in the same complex of Coilfang Reservoir. While you admire the stellar view of hanging rocks and colorful fungus, there's also a quest chain here that includes a Monty Python reference in the title, "Bring Me A Shrubbery." You should complete it for the progression that leads through several thousand XP before slaying the final boss.

11 Mana-Tombs – A Meeting With the Consortium

  • Location: Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest
  • Level Required/Recommended:
  • Overseen By: The Consortium
  • Prerequisite: None

If you've been to Dire Maul, you understand the basic layout of Auchindoun and the Ring of Observance. This region is a bit easier to navigate but is even bigger. The zone has a long history as a Draenei holy site, although now it's in ruins and dominated by malevolent forces. Mana-Tombs is the dungeon on the north side and is the lowest level dungeon in Auchindoun.

10 Auchenai Crypts – The Stronghold of a Renegade Religious Order

  • Location: Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest
  • Level Required/Recommended: 65/67
  • Overseen By: Lower City
  • Reputation Level Required: None

Delve into even more Draenei lore and enter the Auchenai Crypts, the seat of a religious cult led by a renegade exarch. It's as creepy as the name suggests, with every room littered with piles of bones and ceilings filled with cobwebs. Grind rep with Shattrath's Lower City faction while you do so. Mind the special patrols that phase in and out and are difficult to track.

9 Sethekk Halls – The Domain of the Talon King

  • Location: Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest
  • Level Required/Recommended: 67/69
  • Overseen By: Lower City
  • Reputation Level Required: None

Turn to the east side of the Ring of Observance to find the next dungeon in the Auchindoun cycle. This instance is dominated by the Arakkoa, an accursed race that the player would have encountered in Terrokar Forest. Players with AoE skills will be handy in this dungeon, which features some airborne enemies.

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The final boss in Setthek Halls is Talon King Ikiss. Upon defeating him, players can loot the chest behind him for the key to the Shadow Labyrinth, the most advanced dungeon in Auchindoun.

8 Escape from Durnholde – So Thrall Can Get Back To The Future

  • Location: Caverns of Time, Tanaris
  • Level Required/Recommended: 66/68
  • Overseen By: Keepers of Time
  • Prerequisites: Completion of the quests "To The Master's Lair" and "The Caverns of Time."

Also known as Old Hillsbrad Foothills, this instance is framed as a historical event as opposed to progressing through a cave or maze. It's also the first one that's located in Azeroth as opposed to Outland. You can find it in Tanaris, kept under the watchful eye of the Keepers of Time.

The setting is two years before events that take place in the vintage RTS game, Warcraft 3. Horde players are in for an extra bit of fun, as the historic setting of the instance means they'll be changed into humans.

7 The Mechanar – The Workshop of Kael'thas Sunstrider

  • Location: Tempest Keep, Netherstorm
  • Level Required/Recommended: 68/70
  • Overseen By: Sha'tar
  • Prerequisites: A flying mount

Tempest Keep is another location that houses several instances, although the design is what makes it distinct from the others. This used to be an interdimensional traveling fortress operated by the Naaru and taken over by the Blood Elves, the race you'll come up against as you progress through the Mechanar.

The Mechanar is one of the floating towers located outside the main structure. Kael'thas has deemed it a site for researching different sources of power, hence the engineering aesthetic.

6 Black Morass  – Doing The Wrong Thing For The Right Reasons

  • Location: Caverns of Time, Tanaris
  • Level Required/Recommended: 68/70
  • Overseen By: Keepers of Time
  • Prerequisite: Completion of "Escape From Durnhole Keep."

Like other instances in the Caverns of Time, this is an event more than a conventional dungeon. The location this time is the Swamp of Sorrows, which hasn't changed a whole lot since back in the day, at least until you help Medivh open it up and Orcs start pouring through it.

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This instance is also named after what happened here, "Opening the Dark Portal" which took place before the timeline of Warcraft 1, making it the oldest event in the Caverns of Time, and what made all of those RTS and MMO games possible.

5 The Shattered Halls  – Only A Few Floors Away From Raid-Ready

  • Location: Hellfire Penninsula, Outland
  • Level Required/Recommended: 69/70
  • Overseen By: Cenarion Expedition
  • Prerequisite: Completion of the "Hotter Than Hell" quest chain.

This is the third wing of Hellfire Citadel and none other than Kargath Bladefist is the final boss. You can complete a quest to acquire his hand from your faction's leader in the zone. By now, you forget how ugly Hellfire Penninsula was, and you feel better about going back, especially since this "gauntlet" like dungeon presents a unique challenge. Bring some AoE to clear the mobs.

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This isn't the first time you've been to Hellfire Citadel, but this is one of the first level 70 instances that most players will explore. It's the last regular dungeon in the Citadel and the first endgame instance that most players experience.

4 The Botanica  – Because Blood Elves Love Flowers Too

  • Location: Tempest Keep, Netherstorm
  • Level Required/Recommended: 70
  • Overseen By: Sha'tar
  • Prerequisites: A flying mount

Return to Tempest Keep and step into one of the most beautiful greenhouses in Azeroth. The Naaru used this wing of their spaceship to cultivate and experiment on the otherwordly plants they found and many of them are still here, with the Blood Elves continuing the work that they started. There's a quest chain here that's specifically for Alchemists, "Master of Potions." It's connected to Lauranna Thar'well, an NPC in the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.

3 Shadow Labyrinth  – A Final Visit to the Ruins of Auchindoun

  • Location: Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest
  • Level Required/Recommended: 69/70
  • Overseen By: Lower City
  • Prerequisites: Shadow Labs Key

Fight through the highest level dungeon in Auchindoun, The Shadow Labyrinth, to confront the infamous boss Murmur and his equally notorious loot table. Casters are after a one-handed sword that he drops, The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams, among other things. A dark and shadowy cult was responsible for releasing the Essence of Sound on the world, and players will also face their minions as they progress through the instance.

2 The Steamvaults  – A Journey Into the Ancient History of Azeroth

  • Location: Coilfang Resoivoir, Zangarmarsh
  • Level Required/Recommended: 70
  • Overseen By: Cenarion Expedition
  • Prerequisites: None

Back to Coilfang Resovoir, to the most difficult instance hidden in the murky depths of Serpent Lake. As the name suggests, this is a journey to the mechanical heart of the Naga's base in Zangamarsh, and that's who you fight as you move through the instance.

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The lore here extends past the journey to Outland. The antagonist of this underwater ballet, Lady Vashj, is also one of the former Queen Ashzra's lieutenants, and at this point in the game, the lore was unclear as to exactly what had happened to her. The story of the Steamvault fills in a few missing pieces.

1 The Arcatraz  – Where Outland Keeps It's Most Fearsome Criminals And Villains

  • Location: Tempest Keep, Netherstorm
  • Level Required/Recommended: 70
  • Overseen By: Sha'tar
  • Prerequisites: Completion of the quest, "How to Break Into the Arcatraz."

Welcome to the final step in your endgame progression before moving on to raids. This is one of the most difficult dungeons in TBC. It's not a coincidence the name recalls a famous prison from real life. This last wing of Tempest Keep was a prison for the most dangerous and gruesome creatures that the Naaru came across during their travels and you get to destroy them.

NEXT: The 10 Rarest Items In World Of Warcraft (& How To Get Them)

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