Monday, 08 March 2021 13:51

Dark Souls 3 Mod Lothric Olympics Adds Rock Lizard Soccer

Written by Max Fagandini
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A new mod for Dark Souls 3 allows friends to engage in some jolly competition, featuring rock lizard soccer and a devilishly deadly obstacle course.

It's not easy being an Unkindled in the world of Dark Souls 3. Bound by honor to bring the Lords of Cinder back to their thrones in the land of Lothric, it's perhaps not unreasonable to try and seek out a little rest and relaxation from time to time. Happily, mod creator Mr_Wallace is more than able to oblige with his new sporty take on a couple of Dark Souls 3's memorable locations.

Modding is nothing new for the Dark Souls community, ranging from tweaks and unofficial patches, to imports of characters from other games, and even extending the already considerable arsenal available to include automatic weapons. This new offering is a little different, though as it radically changes two areas of the game to provide an arena for a little competition between players.

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Mr_Wallace's Lothric Olympics mod redesigns Dark Souls 3's Archdragon Peak and the Undead Settlement to create a soccer pitch and a fiendishly difficult obstacle course, respectively. In the former, players can face off in 1v1 or 2v2 games of rock lizard soccer, overseen by a fifth player who works as a referee who summons the players and the ball. The players' light attack button now makes them kick, and with friendly fire and backstabbing enabled things can soon get pretty wild on the field as the competitors scramble to boot the lizard into the right goal.

The obstacle course, on the other hand, sends challengers hurtling through the Undead Settlement, newly tweaked and repopulated with even more hazards and enemies than usual. Players can look forward to unexpected traps, deadly phantoms, toxic gas and a veritable minefield of skeleton cage enemies to name but a few of the obstacles in store. And that's before factoring in the competition: each player gets a buff at the start of the race that grants them infinite FP, the stat used to cast magic and use skills, so if the Outrider Knights and skeleton cages don't spell disaster, chances are a well-placed Soul Arrow or Chaos Storm might.

Mods offer a remarkable way for fans to stretch their creative muscles in their favorite games, and the Dark Souls series is far from the only beneficiary. Famously, games like Skyrim and the modern Fallout titles have had their longevity increased beyond the devs' wildest dreams thanks to the thriving modding community creating content that patches bugs, restores cut characters and items and in some cases even constructs entire questlines and new maps.

It's not clear yet whether Mr_Wallace intends to add any more events to his mod, but with Elden Ring still without a firm release date perhaps it's not surprising that many Souls and Sekiro players are finding other ways to amuse themselves. Even in its current form, Lothric Olympics looks like a fun way to revisit Dark Souls 3 with a few friends.

Dark Souls 3 is available now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

MORE: Dark Souls 3: 10 Best Soul Farming Locations

Source: Nexus Mods

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